Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Farce

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Even illegal immigration is falling off the radar of priorities which is strange as there are too many "bad guys" trying to bring this country down and cross our borders and to end our way of life as we know it.

The ALIPAC website currently features a Reuters poll released Tuesday showing “more than half of U.S. citizens believe that most or all of the country’s 11 million illegal immigrants should be deported.

Marco Rubio's plan is a good one unless, of course, we kick them all out of here and that is impossible. The border must be secured first and foremost. I would love to know how many radical Muslims are in this country right now, living and breathing among us, plotting and planning for the next Jihad. Even this 11 million figure is a farce. There hasn't been 11 million illegals in years...try doubling the number. This is 100% the fault of the U.S. government and its lax policies and its concern about the rights of criminals crossing our borders rather than the right of its own citizens.

President Obama has lost ground on immigration:  39 percent of voters approve of the job he’s doing, down from 47 percent in February.  A slim 51-percent majority disapproves now.  The drop in approval comes from a decline among white voters; approval among non-whites held steady since February. Read more...

I would bet if they took a poll right now after the Boston bombing and the recent plot that was uncovered regarding Canadian Jihadists to derail a train from Toronto to New York, Obama's approval rating would be much lower.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's mother and father say they are coming to the United States any day now. Who knows about the mother--she has a shoplifting charge against her. Who knows what the authorities would do to her, after all, she has one son dead and the other who should be dead who were "framed." These parents have twisted the facts completely around and are blaming our law enforcement. Knowing us, we will probably put them up at the Fairmont Battery Wharf and she can scream "Allahu akbar" (Allah is Greater) to her heart's delight.

1 comment:

  1. It is not a good plan. Drying up the jobs that attract the illegal aliens by using E-Verify will cause self deportations. That has happened in Arizona when illegals left in droves. Only problem is they went to other states that did not have E-Verify in action. This current amnesty legislation legalizes first and then will "make a plan" for interior enforcement and border security, promises we have had before. There is nothing in this plan on what to do about future illegal alien entries. Background checks for 11 million illegals? That is a sick joke. The FBI could not even get it right on the Boston Marathon Bomber.
