Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Stop the Amnesty Fast Track


My friend, Joyce Tarnow, says-- The Gang of Eight is trying a fast track amnesty, ignoring citizen input.

Florida's population as of July 2012 was 19 million.  The U.S. population as of April 2, 2013, from the U.S. Census was 315.6  million. We are gaining one net person every 14 seconds.

 Call or fax our two Florida U.S. Senators today. We must stop any kind of amnesty for the estimated 11 million illegal aliens in the U.S., and the one million* illegal aliens in Florida in 2010.
*(Robert Warren, International Migration Review

Senator Bill Nelson   202/224-5274   FAX  202/228-2183

Senator Marco Rubio   202/224-3041   FAX 202/228-0285

1 comment:

  1. Missing in the discussion: helping Mexico become more safe and developed so families don't want to come to the USA.
    Sam Goodstein
