Monday, April 15, 2013

Quote of the Day - Joe the Plumber

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"...the President, along with Democrats in Congress and collectivists in the media has let the closet door creak open.

Any discerning citizen can see for themselves that this is a three-legged stool of oppression whose goals are to 'fundamentally transform' this nation from one of liberty and individual freedom to one dominated by The State. You and your ilk, Mr. Biden, have become emboldened. When the light comes on, the cockroaches are no longer scrambling into the cracks – they’re looking right into the camera and spewing Marxist doctrine, railing against Capitalism and convincing large swaths of ignorant voters that conservatism is a disease in need of a cure.

You heard it the other day – loud and clear by way of NBC: 'Your kids don’t belong to you. They belong to the community…:' My God, it’s like a bad movie, yet it’s happening."

~Joe (the Plumber) Wurzelbacher  at TPNN

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