Friday, April 19, 2013

Politicians Who Don't have a Clue by Allen West

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Politicians Who Don’t Have A Clue They ignore reality and shun smart solutions

Before we dive into this installment of the Next Generation weekly update, please make sure you go to our website and print your updated monthly NextGen data card. This will give you the latest stats on key economic indicators so you can compare the Obama administration’s record with the past.

Now let’s tackle the theme for this week: “I don’t have a clue.”

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama are running around the country, on your taxpayer dollars, talking about gun control. However, a report by Gregory Gwyn-Williams reveals that there have been 32 background checks for gun purchases every minute during Obama’s presidency.

Between Feb. 1, 2009 and March 31 of this year (the latest data from the FBI) there have been 70,291,049 such checks. That’s 1,520 days, the equivalent of 36,480 hours or 2,188, 800 minutes. So as the president would say, it’s math. Divide 70,291,049 background checks by 2,188, 800 minutes, and voila, you get 32 every minute.

Listening to the POTUS, you would think no background checks have been done during his entire presidency. Doggone, I knew that after retiring I should have opened a gun store with a firing range. At least we have found one business that is booming in the Obama economy.

See, if the president had a clue, he would realize that law-abiding citizens obey the law, and he is just pushing for more laws for them to obey. Perhaps Obama wants to hit 50 background checks per minute. That could be an important political statistic for White House press secretary Jay Carney to report.

However, consider that this week at Lone Star College in Houston, a deranged individual randomly stabbed 14 college students. If all things are equal, then Obama and the first lady should be calling for knife control, or at least box-cutter control or maybe even barbershop straight-razor control.

Actually, we probably should ban cars because we did recently have a severe multiple-car pile-up on an interstate in Virginia.

My former House colleague, Democrat Carolyn Maloney of New York, has come up with her own grand idea -- gun insurance. I recently discussed it on Fox News. She doesn’t have a clue, either.


  1. Sarah Palin for President
    Allen West for Vice President
    Sarah is the only person who is better qualified to be president. That is my dream ticket.

  2. Sounds like a Democrat above--LOL.
    read this--

  3. She made her residents $$$$ as our national government continues to import oil. We could be self-sufficient.
