Saturday, April 27, 2013

On Paranoia at our local level

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According to Wikipedia--Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself. (e.g. "Everyone is out to get me.") Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia.

We have a lot of that right here in Lake Worth with even some elected officials leading the bandwagon when it comes to Cara Jennings. Jennings has been out of local politics for years. She is about to be a mother. They honestly believe that this little group of anarchists are plotting and planning to take over our government in Lake Worth. Anarchism is voluntary Socialism. They have wrongly put the blame on this small band of people for every ill in this city.  I must admit, this group does act ridiculous at times, but how ridiculous can you get?  No one can over-throw our government unless YOU let it happen.

Paranoia is a medical term for a condition in which the person has either recurring delusions that people are trying to harm him or a false sense of exalted self-importance that leads him to be suspicious of others. It is the latter that is believed by some local officials and the small paranoid group who follow them who make waves and are attempting with every cyber attack to exaggerate and be oppressive and belittle all those they "fear"-- therefore, they are anarchists in their own right. Both groups are pretty silly.

Am I being paranoid?


  1. People in this town like to believe the worst about people even if it is made up "paranoia."

  2. Thanks for making this point, Lynn. I am so sick and tired of being accused of wanting to live in a cave with dirt floors because I didn't want to hand over my public beach to a developer! Or because I like the way our downtown corridor looks. I have lived here all of my life. NO ONE that I know or associate with in this city wants zero growth in this city.All of the people I know, want economic growth and prosperity for this city. So to the few people who like to call names, just stop it.You had better start listening, and learning, how the majority of people who live here want to go forward.If you few actually close your mouths,and open your minds you will be shocked to discover that we all agree on most of the issues facing this city. Just standing in the shadows throwing rocks and calling us all uncivilized trouble makers is going to get you no where.Again,stop with the dirty campaigns and lies. The rest of us are sick of it. Katie Mcgiveron

  3. Katie, maybe if your message was not so full of hyperbole and venom people would react differently.

  4. There was nothing exaggerated about her statements. I took them all very seriously and agree with her.

  5. Poster at 2:46-thanks. You just made my point. Katie Mcgiveron

  6. I sometimes supported Cara, sometimes disagreed with her, but always thought she was smart, well read and asked the hard questions that others seemed afraid to raise. While I was in favor of the PBSO contract, she was right when she asked how we would pay for it.

    The fact that people are still talking about her so many years later is very interesting to me. We are a quirky city and as such have had some quirky politicians now and again, but she seems to be the one that is trotted out over and over again by a certain segment of the population. Why the personal attacks, why be afraid of her lifestyle, its not hurting you, why the personal digs on her non LW political activities, really makes no sense to me.
