Saturday, April 27, 2013

llegal Aliens -

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It has been reported that the Gang of Eight is changing or even "fooling" the public by including waivers, exemptions and loopholes when it comes to certain aspects of their immigration reform bill.  Nothing surprises me. I wanted to believe that Marco Rubio had the answer to an impossible and costly problem by his non-partisan Gang of Eight and its Plan. NumbersUSA says: Our Capitol Hill team has finished crunching the numbers of the new amnesty bill and found that the bill would grant 33 million new green cards in the first 10 years after enactment. Look for more details to come...

Rep. Lamar Smith has reintroduced the Legal Workforce Act, HR 1772 which would require all employers to use the E-Verify system. This should have been done years ago and our laws enforced. Instead, the federal government has made law enforcement impotent.

On April 24 Attorney General Eric Holder told the crowd at the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), that “creating a pathway to earned citizenship” is a critical element of any comprehensive immigration reform plan. He said that establishing legal status for the nation’s estimated 11 million illegal immigrants is a “matter of civil and human rights.” Obviously he speaks for Obama. Since when is illegally crossing our border a "civil right?"

The federal government is also "fooling" you. The popular myth that there are "10-11 million undocumented workers in the country" is misleading, disingenuous and blatantly false. It's more than double that. That figure fails to factor in the chain migration unemployed dependent family members (wives, grandparents, migrant children, migrant girlfriends, single mothers, anchor babies), the adult unemployed, those incarcerated, transients and fugitives. After the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was directed by Congress to stop counting in 1981, even the conservative numbers of the 2000 Census Bureau (CB) estimated at that time the total illegal immigration population was about 8 million. That figure was never intended to only represent the number of workers as is incorrectly quoted today, says Numbers USA.

The government never gives the real figures on the cost of illegal aliens. Social services alone have cost $347,454,769,945 since they first started tracking the numbers.

Once again, this important matter that is costing the American citizen trillions of dollars, will be swept under the rug because the majority in this administration does not have the will to remove these people from our country and now want to be "politically correct" and tell you that it is the right thing to do, that no one is "illegal."  They tell you that this country was and is based on immigration but they fail to implement the laws on the books.

Elected officials continue to undermine this country with terrible policy.

1 comment:

  1. I too don't think the government will solve this problem and it will just get worse. they didn't enforce the laws we have so what makes us believe they will enforce any new policy? Won't happen.
