Sunday, April 7, 2013

Like a good neighbor, Lantana is there

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North Ridge Road, the road that most of us take in the Western community of Lake Worth to the Publix in Lantana on Lantana Road is now permanently blocked off with what appears to be an iron gate installed in the asphalt. Is Lantana now a gated community?

LED sign informing drivers from the Lantana side that North Ridge Rd is closed to thru traffic. The gate is installed at a section of the road that must divide Lake Worth and Lantana.

When driving from Lake Worth, cars travel up Tropical Drive and then onto North Ridge. Now drivers are met with a Dead End sign. You must divert to Andrew Redding Road to get to Publix and Lantana Road.

All traffic from the south on North Ridge Road is met with a Detour sign that directs them to Andrew Redding Road to continue north bound.  At the house depicted in this photo, the owner had just pulled into her drive. Katie asked the owner what was going on. She said that she understood that Lantana closed North Ridge Road because too many criminals were coming from Lake Worth into the city of Lantana via North Ridge Road. It is rare, but it has happened, where cities will close down a road to discourage illegal activity, including the selling of narcotics. If this is the case, where is our expensive PBSO when we need them? In 1993, the City of West Palm Beach erected a fence at Adams Street at Dunbar Village after police and residents complained about drug dealers.

If you click on the map and then click on the link, it takes you to a porno site at 1700 Barton Road. The language on the map appears to be Creole. Is this the zombie?  Is this the guy who told the mayor that he might get deported if he voted NO?

Next question...did any official from Lantana contact Michael Bornstein to alert him as to what they were doing by closing a road that is in Lake Worth as well as in Lantana and the reasons for it?


  1. Lantana probably heard about the entire city of Lake Worth being declared a poverty zone by the enterprise zone people and got nervous.Or else they heard Mayor Pam Triolo and Commissioner Scott Maxwell constantly screaming about being the second poorest city in Palm Beach County and got nervous because of that. Maybe it was a combination of the two. WAY TO MARKET OUR CITY, DUMB ASSES!!!!!

  2. Some way to fight crime. Many people take this road to work at Publix! Why should we suffer due to Lake Worth or any reason. Is this America or a foreign country?

  3. Yes the sign is there. And I go to Publix via this road! Thanks city. The road closure is also right at a school! This is poor planning. Why dont we shut down all the L.W. roads. Poor planning folks. I pay my taxes.

  4. start fixing the city biggest problem--people renting out their houses and they are homesteaded and they dont even live there---know many who are doing this

  5. Its a safety issue for the kids at Barton Elementary, nothing to do with crime from Lake Worth. It takes 30 more seconds to take Redding to Publix.

    Riggins Regular

  6. Who decided closing a road? Who determined that it was a safety issue for children?

  7. I thought when a city closed a road like that, both municipalities and the DOT had to be involved and there had to be public input. I don't really care in that I take Lantana Rd. to Publix if I go to that store but I think procedures should have been followed and Lake Worth should have been consulted.

  8. WOW anonymous @4:23. I guess you had a rough day---maybe a rough life. Use your name when you post stuff like this.

  9. Stay over on that nasty blog, low life coward above.

  10. Thanks Lynn. Thanks Katie. You keep getting to them.

  11. Hello,anon at 4:23,Katie here.Glad to see that you have more time to blog now that you are done with the failed "NO" campaign.This gate is in Lantana. Thanks for thinking that my influence includes other municipalities, but ,sadly, I only control what happens in Lake Worth. For now,anyway,,,,,,,,

  12. Its my understanding that katherine skirvine was behind this closure. This is a public road! If the laws would be followed this would not happen. Suggest calling the
    Lantana city manager or mayor concerning inproper closing roads.

    Several people that live in the area and use these roads were not informed nor liked the closure. This is not a gated community.

    Lets get these roads back open! Call the city manager and mayor!

  13. She lives on southwinds ,her name is spelled Catherine.

  14. Evidently people on the Publix side of the road, the south side of the closure , are proud of what they have done by signing a petition to close ridge road. They took the government into their own hands. People you need to call the city manager and the mayor. I understand that Katherine Skirvine who lives on the south side of the detour has connections to lantana police department and was behind this.

  15. Catherine Skirvine lives on southwinds was the architech behind this closure. Catherine got alot of petitions from her area to close teqahe road. She worked at Publix and they would not hire her back. This is why she wanted the road closed. She made alot of negative comments about people and this is what happens if she does not like you.

  16. do you have a phone number for Ms. Skirvine or an address?
