Saturday, April 13, 2013


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This used to be a beautiful home overlooking the lake. Not sure what happened to it but it is now a rental and totally neglected by all who occupy it. They installed a cover on the driveway where a boat is parked and they have a Boat for Sale sign which is illegal. All of this is against code.

barbecue in front yard.
Who knows what the backyard looks like
None of these photos do this home justice to describe the mess.
 You have to see it to believe it.

Even the side of the house is a wreck. There is no longer any grass, just weeds and they are not cut often enough. This house has blighted our community for a long time now and something needs to be done about it rather than having the distinction of being named the Mess of the Week.


  1. This property is a disgrace. I drive by it all the time and wonder why the city allows it to remain in this condition. Did you see where someone was mowing the tall weeds yesterday?

  2. Finally you are attacting something which really hurts this community, blight and code violations. Please stop dictating to local busness and hoteliers about their expertise.

  3. Are the squatters still there? At one time there was an extension cord going across the road for power!This house deserves better! And so does the neighborhood!If anybody gets a stupid fine for putting a palm frond out in the street on the wrong day, please go to city hall ,rip it up in Mike Bornsteins face, and tell him AND code to go to hell!

  4. mess of the week--give me a break --this is what we see year round all over lake worth---that is what our reputation is all about---poor and slums---welcome everyone--i would bet many want to leave this city but just cant get up and go---its hard to sell your house because the city just gets more scummy and more rentals--

  5. By L'Dub standards this is pretty nice. White Folks crack me up...

  6. @ll:44--please explain your comment.

    If businesses don't report petty theft, it will continue and get worse. If that is dictating, then I don't understand. What are you really saying, anonymous?

  7. Good luck with code, they won't even open a case on a home that is being used by drug dealers and prostitutes and where there was a murder. PBSO won't don't anything about it either. My husband has boarded it up three times now. And this is not a bank owned property this is a property owned by a WPB investment company.

    The city of LW could be raking in code violation monies but they would rather hassle people who are already in compliance than bother with actual code issues.
