Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lake Worth City Board Appointments

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This morning the Palm Beach Post announced a few board appointments.  I agree with Commissioner McVoy that those applying to city boards should be publicly vetted. As everyone knows, this majority commission changed the rules on this...just another decision excluding the public.  One of particular interest was sent in by a reader--

3.9.13  Jean Robert Saint-Thelus Sign Holding $120.00

3.12.13 Jean Robert Saint-Thelus Haitian Coordinator $200.00

$320.00 PAID for "NO"Vote AND a Board Position - NOTHING 2 C Here?!?

The commission also appointed Jean Robert Saint-Thelus to the Sister City board

Who's Fooling Who???

Congratulations to Marshall Pass and David Cavanaugh, just appointed to the Tree Board.


  1. I voted "NO", and I voted for many currently on the dais, and even I am getting sick of this shi... and the arrogance that seems to be prevailing!

  2. Lynn, maybe you, or your 2 buddies that ALWAYS sit with you at City Hall should join a Board, then you would have the inside scoop, instead of ALWAYS Bitchin from the sideline, about something you have NO idea what you are talking about.

  3. Lynn -- Thanks for keeping us in the know. Mr. 212 (above) would obviously rather that we were all kept in the dark! My guess is that someone stuffed his pockets or that he stuffed someone else's. He's bought and paid for. Soul gone. Keep it up, Lynn. You're the only one we trust to tell the truth.

  4. I think it's called graft, Lynn! Let's not re-elect the mayor from New York. She's obviously practiced in the art of graft. And I don't think the "g" word is considered an insult up there.

  5. that was probably the haitian who told the mayor that people were threatening him about deportation during the election.

  6. If you are in the country legally, do you need to worry about deportation? And why would anybody even WANT to serve on a board under this stupid Commission. Ask the previous P&Z board ,who were treated like used Kleenex, about being a board member in Lake Worth.

  7. Mz. Puffer Fish dreams of doing something to impress that special guy at city hall. Hate to break your bubble dah-ling. In your case not even a pedicure AND manicure would help. However, a Publix shopping bag with eye holes cut out might do the trick.
