Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Know thy Enemy

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Four jets, which reached Egypt in February, are the first of 20 Block 52 F-16s due to be delivered this year under a $1.3 billion a year U.S. military aid program signed by the regime of President Hosni Mubarak, a key U.S. ally who was swept from power in February 2011. This deal should have been OFF the table.

"I think it's a blunder of the first proportion to send sophisticated weapons to a country that's allowed a mob to attack our embassy and to burn our flag," U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. Read more... Rand Paul is right. What in the heck are we thinking? This is all "turning the other cheek" and being politically correct once again to the detriment of common sense and the protection of our country and our friend Israel in the Mid-East. 

Muslims (and they are all taught from the same Quran so basically they all have the potential to be "radical") are taught to hate America and embrace Jihad. Sura 5:51: “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them for friendship is of them.” This friendship makes any Muslim an enemy of their own and deserving of the same fate as the unbeliever. This is because God does not guide an unjust people."

"Know thy enemy," is a quote from Sun Tzu that goes back to the 2nd Century BC, in his Art of War.


  1. Hmmmm Fox News or regurgitation of Fox News on Lynn's Blog.....What ever happened to one's own thoughts? LOL!! That is what is wrong with this Country, no an original thought to be found.

  2. The planet has been around for 13 billion years or so. We are lucky to ever get an "original thought." But what we can do is analyze the data and agree or disagree. I hate socialists and I am rather sure that is not an original thought either.
    Rand Paul is a Libertarian I believe, even though he ran as a Republican. I am a conservative Democrat who does not agree with much of anything the liberal progressives are pushing to ruin our country.

    Why are your thoughts so unique? give me an example of your "originality."

  3. Get that "13 billion" number from Faux Newz too?

    Scientists pretty much agree on 4.5billion.

  4. Actually I read it somewhere. But thanks for Googling it, anonymous--you are one SMART cookie!!! You should sign your name so that the world can see how smart you are too.
