Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Vote YES on Amendment 2

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On Tuesday, March 12, we are stopping the lies from the most devious political group that has ever been in Lake Worth politics. Their mailer just hit my mailbox. It is incomprehensible that we have politicos such as these who sit on city boards and are prominent in neighborhood associations and four commissioners who are supporting this lying group. How can they even respect themselves? If you win on a lie, you have nothing and the City will be worse off for it.


and keep our downtown  a friendly, low-rise city.

When you see one of them, tell them to stop their lies.


  1. I too got the mailer and it was so full of lies that it makes my head spin. What a sleazy bunch.

  2. Go to the corner of Woolbright Road and Federal and you will see their idea of "historical charm".And they continue to be tolerated on city boards. That is how corrupt this majority Commission is.

  3. If we had a City Manager with any cojonies the banner would be gone, the chair of this mailer would be gone from any advisory boards as would her treasurer.
    But instead we have a roll over and smile city manager who pretends not to notice.

  4. Asset Holding Co.5,L.L.C. atty.Jahn A.Anthoney ,Esq.filed suit against CSC Lake Worth L.L.C.Adam Schlesinger,the late Leslie Schlesinger,A lovely woman,and Jason Schlesinger(guarantors) for United Community Bank to acquire succession in interest to United Community Bank ,Morgagor owed $16,678,635,00 by Mortgagee, defendants in the suit.See P.B.County court records for these figures
    Present County appraised value of the Gulfstream Hotel:
    $2,596,571,- gutted.It will take approx.$20,000,000 to restore this building on the National Register of Historic places,covered with an according to the signage Laws of our Charter, illegal size political sign, approved by Michael Bornstein,City manager,instructed Code Enforcement no to enforce the law with full collaboration of the equally corrupt Commission scared of the vicious Realtor who forced the Lucerne on lake Worth, with its' 13 violations.
    Fellow Citizens Pam Lopez swore the Commission in to uphold all our Laws.Did she die?
    Bornstei was not hired for $160,000 to violate our City(which pays his salary)Laws.he must be fired for disobeing our Charter and coercing Commission and Code Enforcement to violate our City Laws with him!
