Friday, March 29, 2013

Taxes and our National Debt

Countries that receive the most foreign aid

As U.S. taxes have gone up under Obama, so has aid to foreign countries. We now give $450 billion a year with billions going to our enemies.

The United States taxes its rich the most.

The United States currently imposes the highest statutory corporate tax rate in the developed world. Contrary to what some believe, studies show that even the effective corporate tax rate in the United States is one of the highest in the world. In a literature review of thirteen credible, independent studies that estimated effective tax rates using a variety of data sources and methods, Philip Dittmer reported that every study found the U.S. effective corporate tax rate to be substantially higher than the average in foreign nations. Across all thirteen studies, the U.S. effective corporate tax rate exceeded the foreign average by 7.6 percentage points, if all countries are counted equally. The U.S. effective corporate tax rate exceeded the foreign average by 3.7 percentage points, if countries are weighted by their gross domestic products (GDP), so says the Tax Foundation.

As we continue to give monetary aid to countries and to our enemies, our national debt is increasing at a sum of $2.8 million per minute.

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