Friday, March 22, 2013

Suzanne Mulvehill

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Suzanne in Italy

Former Lake Worth Commissioner, Suzanne Mulvehill, is on her life journey.  At the moment, she is in Romania.

Read more on her blog--Suzanne Mulvehill


  1. Suzanne, what you experienced there, I experienced in my early 20's coming back to Palm Beach County. As soon as I descended the plane, I knew I was "home." Best of luck to you in Europe and always. I would bet that the people are much more polite than those you experienced as a commissioner in Lake Worth where politics IS a blood sport.

  2. hi suzanne--you couldnt have made a better decision in your life to rid yourself from the stress of lake worth --i just had lunch in delray and let me tell you the class of people are night and day from the trash that hangs out in downtown--and anyone reading this go to starbucks or the kava bar or anywhere in downtown and just sit there and see what i mean,and anyone that disagrees must not know what classy is--or have class yourself

  3. good for you--i have been living in lake worth for a while and i have had enough of the trashy people in it--there are alot of good people but more trashy and it has gotten worse not better over the years--i will be moving from here for good in a few weeks and never to return--i am sick of the drug addicts,mentally ill and drug dealers who have taken over the city and why to much crime--crime is getting worst because of the poorest city in fl ,they all come here

  4. I was able to change a lot of "things" in Lake Worth. Policies, buildings, etc. That was the easy part. What I learned was that I could not change the "mindset." That is something that people have to do for themselves. Policies can not change mindsets.

  5. That's great, Suzanne. We sure do miss you in LW. Thanks for all the things you did to make Lake Worth better. The casino is up and running and looks great. Why there is one element that is so critical is just not understood by many. You were the best.

  6. Thank you. Serving the community of Lake Worth was a very important part of my life. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to serve the community and make a difference.
