Thursday, March 14, 2013

Special Interests

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If you look through the Treasury Reports for The Friends of the Gulfstream, you will see some of the usual suspects--Loretta Sharpe, of course. Then there is Greg Rice who personally gave $500 along with the Lucerne Condo Association giving $500.00. Mr. Rice is on its board.  The Realtors' Association  gave $1,000. Sun Recycling has been heavily involved in what goes on in Lake Worth always giving contributions in one way shape or form to the developer crowd that has a big interest in our little city. There are always contributions from developers to builders to Realtors to real estate attorneys. One of those people is Michael Weiner.

Mr. Weiner is the principal, agent and Manager of  Jet Port II, LLC in Delray Beach which is a real estate company. He is a real estate attorney. He gave $500 to The Vote NO group. Read a little background on Mr. Weiner and the developer connection and then read this revealing news on the Sun Recycling connection. Mr. Weiner is creeping closer to Lake Worth.

Special interests are: Lobbyists, PACS, Business groups, Professional bodies, Trade Unions, 501 c, 527 s, and other groups giving money to influence political decisions and election results.

The only special interests involved in this election were the contributors and Friends of the Gulfstream PAC. The majority of the people did not get duped by all this money and all of this sneaky slimy stuff.


  1. yawn.............

  2. Sorry if we bore you, anonymous. However, corruption and sneaky is NEVER boring and must be snuffed out.

  3. Where's the corruption and where's all the developers that were supposedly lining up out side the city?

  4. THey are LOSERS! Ha-ha...greed and money didn't win for a change, the people won!
