Friday, March 15, 2013

Shanon Materio is the permanent successor

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  1. At least this keeps Materio out of our hair. Give her enough time and she will hang herself.

  2. Congratulations to Shannon and WPB too, they are lucky to have her.

  3. Shannon ran a slimy campaign jsut like her NO freinds did in LW.

  4. Her campaign pales in comparison to the Friends of the Gulfstream and the developer crowd in Lake Worth. That campaign is the number One Most Dishonest Sleaze. Of course, she is friends with all of them. Chris McVoy still gets attacked by them to this day thanks to her Mad Scientist mailer.

  5. Very seldom have I attended a commission meeting where Chris has pointed out that he is in deed a scientist. Being on the short end of many votes, it could make him "mad" or angry and that can be expected.

    I did not agree with the depiction you say is the reason he is still attacked, but I also don't think that is the reason he's attacked either.

    What he says from time to time from the dias is what keeps his "madness" in the forefront, not some silly postcard from 4 years ago.

    Get over it and move on.

  6. You just saId it--anyone who disagrees with you is "mad." McVoy is never mad or angry and conducts himself as a gentleman on all occasions. He was overwhelmingly re-elected.

    I don't plan on "getting over it and moving on." These tactics and personal attacks need to stop. I will continue to expose the smut and the corrupt side we have here in LW who think they are special.
