Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Quote of the Day - Sir William Gladstone

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“Show me the manner in which a nation cares for its dead and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender mercies of its people, their respect for the laws of the land and their loyalty to high ideals.”

~ Sir William Gladstone


  1. This quote is so relevant when you consider the neglect of the cemetery and the lawlessness of the Commission and City Manager re the re-hanging of the banner from the Gulfstream.

    Vote YES on Amendment 2 March 12.

  2. This is why we need district by district voting for our elected officials. NO MORE CITY WIDE ELECTIONS!!!! Lake Worth is more than College Park and South Palm Way!!! Mark Parilla is dead on right. The Commissioners and staff of this city don't give one damn about the blighted parts of our city! We need a new district/districts west of I-95. District by district voting is the only way to keep these dishonest jerks accountable!

  3. How long has the cemetery been negelected? Did it just start now ir has it been going on for a while?

  4. YEARS but where is the guy who ran on eliminating slum and blight? Where did he go?

  5. I would imagine he's trying to do something about the slum and blight. After working for 3 or 4 years with a commission and city manager that had zero interest in adressing the blight it's going to take some time to catch up.
    Wouldn't you agree?

  6. you would IMAGINE Well, give just one specific.
