Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lake Worth Amendments

Comment Up
Question #1
November elections moved to March
NO----41.12%... 931
TOTAL 2,264

Question #2
Height limitations passed
TOTAL 2,311


  1. Thanks, Lynn, for keeping everyone informed as the other side worked hard to confuse people. We knew who to believe.

  2. CONGRATS to Respectful Planning!

    Thanks to Laurie, Jo-Ann, Lynn & all the volunteers who worked so hard for so many months.

    Thanks to the voters who turned out to make their voices heard above the lies & bs of the NO-sayers.

    Lake Worth can celebrate tonight!

  3. It is vitally important that the Respectful Planning PAC now work to recruit and assist candidates who can run for city commission next March, and win. I have a feeling as long as Triolo, Amoroso and Maxwell are on the commission, we are Not Safe!

  4. Lynn,

    Can you put up a link to treasurer's report to show what "Friends" paid per vote?

  5. I will do that when the final t-Report is in.

  6. Now that the current Commission will stand for an additional 5 months, we will have plenty of time to see the development of a 4 story hotel---or not.
    BTW--how is your other anti Revenue increase lawsuit making out on the 3 story Smith Property development?

  7. You are totally misinformed once again. This is getting typical with you people.

    The standing commissioners will serve another 4 months.

    We do NOT have a lawsuit going on this property. The out of town speculators do. We are trying to save a single family residential neighborhood from up-zoning. Realizing that politics presently is not in favor of what the people want, we shall see.

    How come you don't know that residential property costs the City more to service than what it receives in revenue?

  8. What a dismal turnout (is this what we'll get in future March races, I voted no on that one).

    I'm glad the height amendment passed. I am amazed at the underhanded tactics by the No factions. I get that people can disagree on this issue and I had some respectful debates with some in my neighborhood (Parrot Cove) about the issue. But I don't understand the illegal and unethical tactics. To me, that says more about this group than anything else. If you are going lie, cheat and steal to get your way, I am, for sure, going to vote against you and tell all my neighbors to vote against you (and yes I did have a neighbor confused by their No signs that also said Lo-Rise).

  9. If there were no lies and deception used by the anti business group why did you get 1,800 signatures but only 1,200 votes?
    Why did so many people change their mind or not vote at all?

  10. The above statement is stupid.
    The NO group lied into getting a big majority of its 1,000 votes. Ask them why their lies didn't reap bigger rewards. Ask them why there is always a low turnout in March. Ask them why they support march over November. Less people to lie to.

    The only lies and deception were from you folks--morally all bankrupt.

  11. Interesting to see that Abacoa, in Jupiter, just broke ground on a, wait for it, four (4) story hotel near the baseball stadium.

    In today's Post.

  12. I'm very glad this amendment passed. I don't know all of the details behind the politics and manipulating... All I know is that I love the small town charm of Lake Worth. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
    IF I wanted to live a in Miami-like atmosphere surrounded by high rises... I would move there.
    Whenever I have family in town from out of state... I'm always proud to walk them down Lake Ave and they always enjoy the Old Florida charm we have here.

    Thank you to those who honestly and passionately campaigned to keep our city as quaint and historical as it is today. Lake Worth is precious and unique.... It needs to stay that way.
