Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Immortal Words Written by a Madman

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From the not too distant past:

"The Respectful Planning PAC campaign is destined to become a classic in the Lake Worth anarchist archives. "It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying NOTHING."

And yet, in its nothingness lies the very real possibility that it may prevail. For what is easier to achieve than NOTHING

NOTHING to protect the Gulfstream Hotel.

NOTHING to create jobs in Lake Worth.

NOTHING to build on the success that has been achieved by finally having the beach and casino property ready to welcome visitors.

NOTHING but build momentum for candidates who care so little for Lake Worth that they tried to get rid of PBSO!

Vote NO on 2 because Lake Worth deserves more than--
NOTHING but lies and fear and sound and fury!"

For the entire YES team and to the 55.86%, be assured that you achieved a lot. The opposition's lies and money and insults as well as their constant twisted message did not prevail. One thing that the negative NO's are right about, this will be remembered for a long time--how a group immediately took action after a bad commission decision and saved our downtown from growing vertically and saved the city from manipulative special interests. Honesty won one.


  1. I never got this one. Wow. I am a wife and mother of 3 kids. I work, have a husband who works and we are among the people who voted to keep our downtown small. Actually, I like it the way that it is. Voting in 45 feet is too high. I would have liked to have seen a vote on keeping it the same as it is now. An idiot?

  2. Thanks, Lynn. This election was so shameful.

  3. I was born here. I also work,have a family. I also wanted lower heights in our downtown . I do not consider myself a "radical". There are other places in Lake Worth,like our park of commerce, where "the sky is the limit" on heights.
    I realize that there were also people who wanted higher heights downtown. HOWEVER, they were totally dishonest in their campaign. Their yard signs were a lie.They broke the law by hanging a huge banner on the Gulfstream. And to make matters even worse, the message on the banner was a complete lie.If these "vote no" people had had just one ounce of integrity, I at least could have had some respect for their position. I firmly believe that these people knew that only a small number of people agreed with their position . I also believe that if they had told the truth in their campaign , the outcome would have been 80% yes, 20% no.Katie Mcgiveron

  4. Who wrote this? Mary Lindsay? Sounds like her.

  5. ("such a sky and suce a sun
    I never knew and neither did you
    and everybody never breathed
    quite so many kinds of yes)"
    e.e. cummings
