Monday, March 25, 2013

Historical Districts and Buildings - Lake Worth

Gulf Stream Hotel (added 1983 - - #83001435)
1 Lake Ave., Lake Worth

Historic Old Town Commercial District (added 2001 - - #01001011)
Also known as Downtown Lake Worth
Bounded by FEC, M St., Lucerne Ave., and 1st Ave. S , Lake Worth

Lake Worth City Hall, Old (added 1989 - - #89000432) Also known as Lake Worth City Hall Annex; Museum of the City of Lake Worth; 414 Lake Ave. , Lake Worth Old Lucerne Historic Residential District (added 2001 - - #01000526)
Also known as Townsite of Lucerne
Roughly along N. Lakeside Dr., N. Palmway St., and N. O St., from Lake Ave. to 7th Ave. N , Lake Worth

Osborne School (added 2003 - - #03000701)
Also known as Osborne Elementary School

College Park Historic District (added 2001 - - #01000078)
Also known as College Park Residential Neighborhood
Roughly bounded by Maryland Dr., N. Federal Hwy., 19th Ave. N., and N. Dixie Hwy. , Lake Worth

Listing a property in the National Register of Historic Places does not automatically protect it from demolition (or other alterations). However, listing a property in the registers does "trigger" state and federal preservation laws that require federal, state and local government agencies to take into consideration the effect of their plans or projects on such listed properties.

1 comment:

  1. Does that mean that Loretta and Greg might vote to knock it down? What irony. Nothing would surprise me. The next banner ill be
