Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gators at Lake Osborne

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Photograph by Tripp Cioci taken in June 2011
 at Lake Osborne.

We have to remember, as calm and serene as the lake appears, there is a danger--alligators. Palm Beach County has now erected signs around the lake alerting people to the alligator population. It is always amazing to me when I see little kids being pulled on a raft behind a boat.

Looking like a piece of driftwood--
Could be a serious problem if you're not careful.


  1. O M G!

    Beware of gators in Lake O
    Beware of sharks at LW Beach
    Beware of liars, cheaters & crooks (oh my) at Lake Worth City Hall

    Happy Passover & Easter to all.

    This weekend: Pray for peace on earth.
    Maybe some of that goodwill will rub off in Lake Worth...

  2. Maybe, but some people simply are not aware of their surroundings or those around them. :)
