Friday, March 8, 2013

By Hook or by Crook, Downunder and Dirty

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Brogues Downunder--

New owners as of 2011, Emily, Rob and Tania Regan, don't know nasty politics in Lake Worth. They have been duped by those who do know better but dishoner our laws and ordinances and have no respect in any regard other than to win this election.  Winning is everything to them even if they have to lie and twist the truth.

Let's tell Emily and Rob, who migrated here from Australia, that illegal signs placed on city property are prohibited in Lake Worth, unless, of course, you are a part of the Negative NO group that is stooping to all time lows and just break our laws with impudence. At 8am this morning, Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell said he would get it down. It's still there.

Other NO signs are popping up on stores (even at the Chamber of Commerce). They can operate the way they want with signs on their own property but not on public property. Taking a stand is at their own peril.  The store on Dixie and Lucerne has signs erected on the swale.

Note: There was a correction made on this blog.


  1. I think his name is Rod. They are wonderful people. I'm sure if they understood the issue, they wouldn't want this sign sitting outside the bar.

  2. I have only lived here 3 years but it is obvious that there are too many who make their living on real estate in LW are very heavily involved in the City's politics. Commissions are their main concern and it is obvious by the signs that are posted(properties for sale,rent, etc) this is going on.

  3. Oh what a tangled web we weave,
    When first we practice to deceive!

  4. I spoke to a business owner with 2 No signs in front of his business.
    He did not know they were there and did not give permission!
    He picked them up.

  5. Just got done having a delicious meal at Brogues and happy to say the sign is GONE! They are good people and have delicious food.

  6. I asked for the name of the business that had 2 illegal signs in front. I wanted to talk to the owners that you talked to.
    No response.
    What's the matter Lynn can't confirm your own anonymous post with an answer?

  7. As usual, Mr. Slanderer, I have no clue as to what you are talking about. Do you?

    Illegal signs Are on the swale. Go drive around.

    Actually, I don't have to answer attack anonymous comments so please have the guts to post with your real name. Of course you won't--we know that.
