Saturday, February 23, 2013

Time to Resign

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Friends of the Gulfstream PAC spent $437.00 for the banner they had erected across the Gulfstream Hotel. Loretta Sharpe and Greg Rice, (the PAC) know this is illegal.

These are people who sit on the Planning & Zoning and Historic Resource Preservation boards. They know better but they went ahead and broke our city rules with offensively bold impudence and insolence. Those who sit on city boards are held to a higher standard. Isn't it about time these people be accountable to the people they serve and not their own special interests? Time to step down.


  1. was the date of purchase/listing

    2.13.15 (2015)


    2.15.13 (2013)

    P&Z Latest Minutes on City Website
    September 5th, 2012 - Item 3A1
    (Is it IRONIC) this meeting was about their job description "role of advisory boards' - read it for yourself - PLEASE

    9.5.12 Agenda

  2. Here -
    "In a quasi-judicial role, there is or appears to be a conflict
    arising from lack of impartiality or unbiased decision - making abilities"

    9.5.12 Joint WS -
    3. Agenda Items:
    A. PRESENTATION: Training for
    Advisory/Quasi-Judicial Planning Boards

    Serve an advisory role
    regarding legislative
    proposals (“Making the law”)

    Serve a quasi-judicial role
    regarding specific projects
    (“Applying the law”)

    Development Permit

    includes any building permit, zoning
    permit, rezoning, subdivision approval, special exception,
    variance, or any other official action of local government
    having the effect of permitting the development of land.

    Ex Parte Communication
    Board members may not communicate with other Board members regarding matters that will foreseeably
    come before the board for discussion and/or action (Sunshine Law)

  3. Hope they spend some more of their $. Desperation has no limits!

  4. Everybody needs to hang huge Vote Yes banners on their homes.If code says anything,tell them to go eat shit. Tell them that your banner will come down when the Illegal banner on the Gulfstream comes down!!!Paint it on your roofs for everyone to see!!!

  5. All of the members of the Historic Resources Preservation Board need to be dimissed immediately. They are working as hard as they possibly can to destroy Lake Worth's architectural heritage as quickly as they can. They must be stopped, and a Lake Worth Preservation Society immediately formed to protect historic structures from destruction and to ensure that new construction is in keeping with the low-rise, old-time charm of Lake Worth. Let there never be another Lucerne!

  6. Because the powers that be in the city approve of this illegal banner's message, they will all hide behind the code complaint process. Which will take approx. 500 fuc&ing years to get this banner taken down.I suggest that everyone reading this hang up huge banners with whatever message you want on them. Code can't touch you.Remember,they have to follow the "law".

  7. They are in need of volunteers today
    to clean up from festival. I plan to wear my YES shirt and bring my own garbage bags and just get the job done. It is a good way to turn the other cheek as this banner is obviously allowable for some while others get PUNISHED for disobeying!

    People will see something else good happening and I feel it is the best way for me, personally, to address the situation.

  8. People on these boards should have no participation whatsoever in political campaigns, given that they are essentially judges. I've never seen a city where Planning Board members and Historic Pres. Board members are front and center on controversial issues. They should all step down, and make way for people who are really committed to making the kinds of planning and preservation decisions that will protect Lake Worth's unique collection of historic buildings.
