Friday, February 8, 2013

The Republican Savior

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The Washington Post says "The newest issue of Time magazine contains a picture of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) on the cover with the words: “The Republican Savior.” But Rubio doesn’t agree. 'There is only one savior, and it is not me. #1 Jesus,' tweeted the senator, who is Catholic."

A new poll says that Hillary and Marco are more popular than Obama.


  1. He's popular with me.

  2. Rubio will continue to alienate the moderates and then his career will soon go down in flames like Col West. Then relegated to talking head position on Fox.

  3. In your dreams--but he must be strong on this illegal alien situation and have a policy that makes sense to us, the citizens who are paying the tab.

  4. Why don't you post the Time cover from 4 years ago proclaiming Sarah Palin as the republican savior? What is Sarah doing now?
    Conservatism is dead


    He scares me and I don't trust him. He played the game so many have before, steer right to gain favor and once he gains the nomination, he will show his TRUE colors and backpedal so fast you won't be able to see his feet and take a much more centrist approach to gain favor in that arena and we are back to square one or even worse on immigration. He will have on vote less in my household! S. Collins
