Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Instigator - Arrogance and Avarice

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Once again, Wes Blackman has pulled a rude, political stunt. On his blog he has posted an invitation to debate him at the Lake Worth Playhouse and even has scheduled a date and time. What a guy! His sole motivation to using me as his punching bag is because he is losing the argument and fears the opposition. He does this with consistency.

I am a writer. I am not a public speaker nor am I a politician. I have no ego to fulfill and no desire to be in any limelight. What I do is write the truth and my opinion based on those truths. People have the choice of accepting it or not...their prerogative.  I am doing exactly what I enjoy doing in the most honest way I know.

The public stage is for actors or clowns or bad politicians. It is even for "wannabees" who have lost two elections and want to "get even" and direct our city (banner or no banner) on a SINISTER path the people reject.  Greed and dishonesty are not my bag and frankly I am becoming more angry with the hypocrisy of those decision makers who literally have the power to ruin people's lives and impose their will.  I will leave that all to Mr. Blackman and others.

May the voters in the next election finally become aware that our city can't afford arrogance and avarice.

Vote YES on Amendment 2


  1. I am blown away here - I didn't believe a lot of what people said about others and try to believe the best - but this is too big to ignore and fits into the 'we know best' for you than you do yourself! Ugh!

    So do we ALL obey ALL the Laws or because we think we are special the ones we don't like don't apply to us?

    Like the City exempting itself from the laws they create for us!

    Read pg 162 from Agenda back up 1.8.13
    Do Not Listen - read it for yourself! The code officer is safe from criminal and civil prosecution is he ENTERS YOUR PROPERTY UPON SUSPICION of an offense - WTF?!?

    So How's it working?

    Anna Vergne was HARASSED for 2 HOURS by 2 CODE Officers in front of her apt. Why? Because she had to make a decision of her families use (sister w/CANCER) of HER PROPERTY. She wrote on the affidavit it was signed UNDER DURESS and the CM has fundamental differences w/her - BS he and the whole dais are ignorant of the laws they swore to defend. It is they who need to be educated because human nature rejects control! "Born Free Stay Free" in in our DNA!

    You are being told we are fighting blight and we are really squeezing our people for every damn dime they can get. Sustainability is ALL about growing and keeping big gov in power to micro manage you and YOU get to PAY for services they created to generate income. Follow the League of Cities and their legislative agenda!

    Is Trella White (LOC Lawyer) still fighting the IG/Ethic's for the cities AFTER We The People voted over 70% to implement the I/G and Ethics?

    If nothing has changed you the taxpayer are paying for your elected's membership in a group that is using the lawyer to fight EXACTLY what you voted for!

    There is nothing new under the sun!

  2. thank you Weetha. thank you all. you both could not have said it any better. It seems we are more under a dictatorship of sneaky corrupt arrogant dick-heads.

  3. Good blog. What a showboat he is and taking shots at you all of the time. He loves to tell people how smart he is. How come he got picked up on DUI? It seems that is not the only problem he has.

  4. well the poop is that loretta, Andy and herman have put out the Gulfstream is in danger of being torn down to fit ht limit.
    bldg is landmarked don't these fools know it. does bank know sign is there since they own property. illegal just ask code-if anyone else did it would be 500. a day fine. caall pb post but then again they never met a developer they didn't like.
    remember when loretta and the rest of the pier group gang wanted to create little venice on the golf course w mini-mansions. they are going for 21 story and penthouse on chase site if they win. loretta is prob. already pre-selling units. expert advice from lisa maxwell,wes etc. what happened to ethics comm. in this case...certainly the city mgr and mayorare not supporting all this...

  5. If there is any tearing down of this hotel it will be for decisions caused by these people serving on the city Boards they serve. Historic properties have been demolished before for self-serving ends.

  6. When I see the sign 'save the planet', I don't assume we are in eminent peril of demolition or destruction.
    When you write the truth (as you see it), it my not always be so. But... its your opinion and you are entitled to it.
    If the people vote YES on March 12th, I will agree with you and say that is what the people want.
    If the people vote NO on March 12th, will you also agree that is what the people want?

  7. “To say you have no choice is to relieve yourself of responsibility.”

    If you can write this blog you can debate Wes, if not you suck!

  8. I'm not in to inflated egos, anonymous and therefore don't need to debate anyone. I do enough of that in the written word. Not good enough for you? Who really cares about you and your vulgarity. That's what happens when you are losing the argument.
