Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Age of Obama

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We are apparently working with the Mexican government to advertise that "food stamps" are just around the corner, or should I say on north of the border. This is immoral, insane and an insult to every legal immigrant who came to this land to work and enjoy the rule of law.

We now have people who expect something and an Obama administration desperately pandering for Mexican American votes by encouraging people to use those benefits. Put me down as a naturalized citizen who finds this appalling.  I can not believe that we've reached this point but we are living in the Age of Obama.

Read more on what a legal immigrant has to say about illegal aliens by Clicking here


  1. After a long wait and going through the legal process of medical and police background check, I was allowed to enter into the United States. One of the first thing I had to do was go down to the Draft Board and register for the Selective Service, yes back then we had conscription, nobody got away with not registering. With lots of pride I served honorably in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam war. I have never received any assistance from the federal, state, county or city government. I've always pay my way. Sure today I'm on Social Security and Medicare, but I earned them through work and following the rule of law. If you entered our country illegally or overstayed your temporary visa, then go back to the end of the line. This is not to be anti immigration, just do it right.

  2. Tell me why anyone should have to work if they can get things handed to them. You did good...coming here and going thru the process.....but that was your choice. there are lots of us who would rather take what the government is offering than have to go out and earn our keep. think about it....If the government really wanted me to work, they wouldn't make it so easy for me NOT to work. I live by the saying....."don't bite the hand that feeds you"...thank you to our savior and leader...Barack Hussein Obama
