Wednesday, February 20, 2013

South F Street Shooting

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Read about the shootings.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynn , I heard the trauma hawk land to the southeast last night and I thought it was on I -95 and of coarse I fine out this morning that it was a shooting in the HOODDDDDDDDDD.

    We have all the bells and whistles for public safety ( when in fact nobody give a fu*&ing shit about anybody) and it's costing us an harm and a leg to maintain it . Both of those guys that got shoot died at the hospital , after a very expensive helicopter ride paid for by all of us, if we did not have the helicopter service these guys would have die on the scene at no cost to us. It was their choice to be involved in shady business and there is a price to pay.

    My point is that its not the Hood that is bankrupting us , it's the educated fools from uneducated schools with degrees ( government employee parasites that couldn't get a job other then government to save their asses) that are bankrupting us to justify their jobs with lots of benefits.

    The hypocrisy in our society is beyond belief , oh well, have a nice day.
