Sunday, February 3, 2013

Snook island boardwalk

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While walking on the boardwalk at Snook islands last week, I was surprised that the walk ended approximately at 2nd Avenue North. I have since learned that it is 545 feet. I had on my sneaks and was prepared for a long walk in order to photograph water birds and just the ambiance in general. I assumed that it was going up the Intracoastal well past our golf course. I was told that those owning homes on the golf course objected to people walking by their houses (safety reasons) and it would obstruct their view of the water.

As nothing is that simplistic, anyone who lives on the golf course or in the know, set the record straight.


  1. I think they ran out of money

  2. Previous post. You said you expected the boardwalk to go, north, past the golf course. That would be 16th ave north. Not a good idea and very expensive. They may continue it after they get a floating gambling barge to dock there.

  3. The golf course is at 7th Avenue North. A boardwalk to that point would be great.

  4. The Club House is at 7th. The golf course goes north to 16th ave north. Yes it would be nice if the boardwalk went atleast to the club house.

  5. The original concept plan dates back to 1993, with the boardwalk terminating at the golf course club house.
    The reason the boardwalk ends where it does is because of a lack of funding due to the economy. Hopefully when funding is available in the future, the boardwalk will be extended to the club house.

  6. As a resident of parrot cove, the neighborhood that abuts the golf course, my understanding is there was not enough money to build the boardwalk up to the club house. I hope it eventually gets expanded.
