Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Send a Valentine's Day message to save the Big Cypress National Preserve.

Soft-shell turtle - Big Cypress

For the third time in less than a year, the National Park Service (NPS) is soliciting comments on their proposed Hunting Management Plan for the Big Cypress National Preserve.

While a number of relatively minor changes have been made to the plan each time, all versions have in common the introduction of public hunting into the incomparable 146,000 acre Addition Lands of the Big Cypress National Preserve - for the first time in history.

South Florida Wildlands Association (SFWA) is deeply opposed to this proposal.

Please send your message to the National Park Service and ask for NO INTRODUCTION OF PUBLIC HUNTING into the Big Cypress National Preserve Addition Lands. Comments can be made online at the following website until Thursday, February 14th (11:59 PM Mountain Time - so actually 1:59 AM on Friday EST). As this happens to be Valentine's Day, it's a great opportunity to send a Valentine's message to South Florida's wildlife - as well as to the stewards of this very important piece of public land.

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