Saturday, February 9, 2013

Section 8 housing in Lake Worth

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Want to read about the Section 8 housing available in Lake Worth? Click here

What about expensive homes opening up to Section 8? Read about it here

This is the sort of thing that is bringing Lake Worth down. It is NOT the electric rates. It is NOT because we are a low-rise city. It certainly is NOT because of our beach redevelopment. It is not because of our beautiful 18 hole golf course on the Intracoastal Waterway. It is not because of our beautiful Bryant Park surrounded by and adjacent to Snook Islands. It is not because of our boat dock. It is not because of our vibrant downtown.

One of the top reasons, right next to Union costs,

is the government low-cost housing farce (that all those evil people as well as one-percenters who work for a living pay for) and whose recipients get interest free mortgages (while the rest of us sometimes struggle with two jobs to pay the interest on our debts).

Section 8, on the other hand, breeds takers from a government that sympathizes with socialism. The free shit is theirs for the taking. Some make much more money with their hands out than people who work.

This is the problem in Lake Worth and the problem in the nation as a whole. Until we have pride in ourselves, regain our morals, stop believing that we deserve the Mercedes in the garage or to own a house that we can't afford, strive to become hard-workers and put in a full days' work for a full-day's pay, we are in trouble.

We must become competitive, stop spending more than we can handle, educate our citizens and end the coddling of the illegal alien, create jobs and stop off-shoring them, give tax breaks to American businesses that create jobs, end wealth transfers to foreign countries, cease subsidizing foreign companies to manufacture in America for their benefit and their profit, this country will stay an entitlement mentality and never rise above it with the working class getting smaller and smaller and our quality of life diminishing beyond our imagination.


  1. Want to see how it works? go north on A St. to 17th or 18th on the west side their are several buildings.
    the owner took and apartment complex.
    made improvements turned it into condos and sold them to home owners at around $125000. then the balloon burst they were on the market as a short sale at $13000- $20000. They are now Section 8 housing.Go any day day and take a look,You will be amazed at what we are allowing to go in in L.W.


  3. that is right ---welcome to lake worth fl the home of people to do what they please--selling drugs--run down homes and people that dont care how they live or how their house looks--just as long as they get by--day by day---again welcome to lake worth fl

  4. There are currently 72 homes listed for rent under in the City Limits of Lake Worth. Thats what is listed on just that one site.

    We have heard how many arguments about keeping Lake Worth Affordable and at what cost? Our tax paying dollars to help other people live in bigger and better homes than most of us do.

    Government of our dollars is out of control.

  5. Make sure to vote "YES" to keep the trend going. No need to encourage economic development. Vote "YES" to make us LESS competitive for jobs and building by those greedy developers who might want to build something nice and in line with what is already East of Federal Hwy.

    Vote "YES" for "low rise" and then come back here and complain about "low rent" housing.

  6. Oh, so this is the sort of garbage being fed to you by those wanting to make big bucks in our city and destroy our small town. Come back when you have a REAL argument, not developer propaganda and horse chit.
