Monday, February 4, 2013

Quote of the day - Obama and his Class Warfare

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“There is no doubt we need additional revenue, coupled with smart spending reductions, in order to bring down our deficit. And we can do it in a gradual way so it doesn’t have a huge impact. As I said, when you look at some of these deductions that certain folks are able to take advantage of, the average person can’t take advantage of them. The average person doesn’t have access to Cayman Island accounts, the average person doesn’t have access to carried interest income where they end up paying a much lower rate on billions of dollars that they’ve earned. And so we want to make sure that the whole system is fair, that it’s transparent, and that we’re reducing our deficit in a way that doesn’t hamper growth, reduce the kinds of — you know, strategies that we need, in order to make sure that we’re creating good jobs and a strong middle class.”

~ President Obama

According to new IRS data, the 1.35 million taxpayers that represent the highest-earning one percent of the Americans who filed federal income tax returns in 2010 earned 18.9% of the total gross income and paid 37.4% of all federal income taxes paid in that year. In contrast, the 128.3 million taxpayers in the bottom 95% of all U.S. taxpayers in 2010 earned 66.2% of gross income and that group paid 40.9% of all taxes paid. In other words, the top 1 percent (1.35 million) of American taxpayers paid almost as much federal income tax in 2010 ($354.8 billion) as the entire bottom 95% of American tax filers ($388.4 billion). And it’s that group of top income earners (with income above $221,000 in 2010 to be in the top one percent), that Obama and the Democrats want to tax even more. Source:  AEI Ideas


  1. You're good at cut and pasting numbers but you just don't get it.
    Thanks to high priced accountants and attorneys the wealthiest americans don't pay nearly what they should. I understand Obama is impacting your off shore accounts in the Caymans and the income from all your investments but you rich people have gotten over long enough

  2. It must be a tough burden to bear for people "in the know."

  3. A Thoughtful Member of the 1%February 5, 2013 at 4:21 PM

    I presume you wouldn't post my earlier reply because you felt insulted. Mathematics is a wonderful thing... the so-called class warfare whined about on the right was seeded by The President Who Will Go Unamed.

    So, let's talk about how we got here... you may want to break out the calculator. This is the breakdown of the Debt/Deficit... an
    81.2% Increase in national debt under Bush:

    $_5.871 Trillion in 2OO1
    $10.640 Trillion in 2OO8
    $_4.769 Trillion Increase (81.2% Increase in National Debt)

    44% Increase in National Debt Under Obama:

    $10.569 Trillion Jan 31st 2OO9
    $15.223 Trillion Jan 14th 2O12
    $_4.659 Trillion Increase (44.1% Increase in National Debt)

    Increase Since 2001 = $15.223 - $5.871 = $9.532 Trillion

    Bush's PERCENTAGE of increase $4.769 Trillion / $9.532 Trillion = 50%

    But that's not all:

    $3.56 Trillion or 76% (3.56/4.659) of the increase was Bush CARRY OVER:

    $910 Billion = Interest on BUSH Debt 2009/2011
    $360 Billion = BUSH Iraq War Spending 2009/2011
    $319 Billion = BUSH TARP/Bailout Balance from 2008 (as of May 2010)
    $419 Billion = Bush Recession Caused Drop in taxes
    $190 Billion = Bush Medicare Drug Program 2009/2011
    $211 Billion = Bush Medicare Part-D 2009/2011
    $771 Billion = Bush Tax Cuts 2009/2011

    $4.769 TRILLION from 8 BUSH YEAR
    $3.560 TRILLION of Bush Carry Over

    $8.329 TRILLION - Due to BUSH

    Bush's PERCENTAGE (Corrected) $8.329 Trillion / $9.532 Trillion = 87.4%

    87.4% of National Debt Increase caused By Bush's Programs (2001 to 2012)
    12.6% of Increase caused by Obama’s Programs. And Bush grew the federal employee’s numbers by 82%. Obama reduced the rate of deficit by $400 billion over the last two years, the steepest decline in history. So the loony argument that Obama has a socialist "agenda" fomenting class warefare to achieve that end is ludicrous. Cleaning up the financial mess we're in means everyone has to contribute... and those in control of 42% of this nation's wealth need to pony up.
