Monday, February 11, 2013

Quote of the Day - Barack Obama

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"I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people's lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won't take your handgun away."

~ Barack Obama

Throughout his entire first term, America never heard a peep out of Barack Obama about gun control excepting in 2008 when he said the above on national TV.


  1. And yet his statements and subsequent actions as POTUS haven't been rational enough for some people, who are absolutely convinced he's planning wholesale confiscation. Of course, many are the same people are convinced FEMA has secret concentration camps, and Obama is a Kenyan Muslim socialist.

  2. He's not? Gosh, I luv you guys. Without you, this blog would not be near as much fun.
