Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lake Worth, the Place to be

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What a better way to start the day than featuring Lake Worth--some of the different housing architectural styles as well as our small town charm. I am sure that we will be seeing much more from Webmark Productions and all the wonderful features and amenities we have here. This is the kick-off video.

The owners of Brogues were interviewed and they gave their reasons for being here--"friendly small town, "It's like the small town you came from," "It's the place to be."


  1. Thank you Brogues. You understand it.

  2. It should be noted that the owner of Brogue's, who normally doesn't get involved in N/A meetings, thought it important to take the stage and give his opinion about the heights issue.

    Yes.... he understands it. He says that if Lake Worth is to survive, it must stop all these anti business, anti development proposals.

    He says we need two or three hotels to feed the downtown you all are so trying to protect.

    You protect our downtown by voting NO on the heights issue. To protect the Gulfstream, you vote NO on the heights issue.

    To protect your neighborhood, you vote NO on the heights issue.

    Call Rod (not Bob)and Emily at Brogue's and ask them for yourselves. He is the one who stated that business went down 30% when the Gulfstream Hotel closed.

  3. Do you have any idea when the Gulfstream closed? The owners of Brogues was never affected by the closing of the Gulfstream. And to make up numbers like that is funny.

  4. I believe he quoted the owners of Dave's across the street and that their business went down by that figure.

    He still understands it though.

  5. A business owner downtown says we should have taller buildings so that he can have more business? What a recommendation to change our city's heights. Let's put more money into Mr. Brouge's pocket, Andy's too. Paleeeeeeeeeeeze. This city is not just about a handful of shopowners who think more people will mean more dollars to them. Pretty sick.

  6. Good intent, but too long, too many different music styles and the zooming in and out added to the jerky shots made it hard to watch the whole video!

  7. Mr. Anonymous 2.17.13 @ 17:54PM It is exactly the length that I intended it to be therefore it is not too long. The music styles were chosen in part to coincide with the architectural styles which were being hightlighted but you obviously didn't have the critiquing eye to pick up on that detail. Please feel free to film, edti and produce one of your own with the length you desire, the music genres you prefer and instead of trying to be Siskel & Ebert actually contribute something to to the promotion and improvement of our city.

    Your welcome,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  8. Very nice video. Mark is doing this on his own time and his own dime. He loves our city. Can anyone ever be nice?

  9. The owner of Brogues was talking about Dave's losing business not Brogues.
    And who should we REALLY listen too? Business owners that have invested alot of money in the city and need help to succeed or a bunch of losers that have nothing invested, no skin in the game, nothing in play except the chance to beat "the man".
    I'll take my chances with the small business owners and will be voting no March 12th.

  10. Everyone who lives and resides in this city "has skin in the game." That was a very arrogant statement that you made. No one is trying to "beat the man." The economy did that for you. this sounds like Maxwell. More taxes are generated from residences than from businesses. Hope that you know that.

    I will take my chances with knowing that the people know what they want for their city and that they don't want any possibility of 10 story buildings west of Dixie or 6 story buildings east of Dixie. No more Lucernes.
