Monday, February 18, 2013

Lake Worth Olympic Pool

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Rumor still has it that City staff wants to drain the water and fill in the pool in order to build an office for beach staff that will include the new casino marketing manager. Even the recreation manager, as of just a month ago, told someone that a pool doesn't belong on the beach.

Where do they learn this stuff? And better than that, why do they believe it? Perhaps they don't, but it is an expressed opinion and a negative to convince all of us stupid people out here that we don't want our pool at the beach, a place it has always been.


  1. Wasnt there a problem with the pool settling on one side. Didnt John Adair inspect the pool a while ago?

    Mr. Adair's findings

  3. Well if they don't want a bunch of pissed off residents they better just look for a solution to fix the pool. There are so many people, both city residents and county residents who will be ready to take the City on for even thinking about anything other than a pool. They just need to figure out how to use it as an asset instead of thinking of it as a detriment. It could actually be a money maker for them if they only had a brain to figure it out!

  4. Isn't the problem that the "bunch" of people upset at the pool closing is so small that the pool hasn't been economically viable through a number of City Commissions and city managers?

  5. If I've said it once, I've said it 200 times--not every amenity we have has to make money. The pool is supported by taxes. With the right manager, we can make the pool economically viable, however. With the right attitude, all things are possible.

  6. There are not enough tax dollars to support the pool at this time which seems obvious as to the reason nothing is being done there. Yes all things are possible but at what cost. What other services would have to be cut to convince the city on the brink of bankruptcy to change their attitudes.

  7. Wait till you see the turnout of the people who will be protesting if the pool is closed. You will find out it is NOT a small group of people. There are people that don't event live in LW that will take this battle on. The pool could support itself if the Rec Dept and Leisure Services got off their arse and started planning use of the pool instead of just letting it deteriorate.

  8. We are not on the brink of bankruptcy. Why do you spread false rumors?

  9. Do we have enough tax dollars to pay $20 million for public safety but not $180,000 a year plus staff to support keeping our pool opened?

  10. 4:06 That was not a rumor it was stated at several neighborhood assoc. meetings by the city manager. My guess is he would know if anyone would. I don't know what your relationship with the city is but a call to the city manager will verify the statement.We are in trouble and we need alot of help. Where it comes from I can't guess. But I don't think the pool is in the budget or on the radar to get redone.

  11. The two most important issues for any city is safety and quality of life. Lynn you have to judge for yourself if safety is as important as the pool rehap and operation.I would guess that given the choice of public safety and good city services and the pool that most residents would want to be safe and comfortable in their homes. I would also venture to say that most residents rarely think about the pool. However, if you want an issue to motivate the troops the pool is still there.

  12. We spend $20 million on public safety. MUCH of that is retirement benefits which basically have nothing to do with public safety. This is not about a choice of reducing PBSO for a pool.

    Next, we have always had a pool at the beach. We have always had a library. In budget cutting, our amenities are always the first on the government chopping block.

    We don't have parks that have to make money. We don't have the Osborne gym that has to be economically "viable." Our ball fields don't have to pay for themselves.

    I don't want to hear about our city government with its propaganda that our pool loses money to justify closure because they want to build a building for staff. I don't want to hear about it at the shuffleboard court building and the closure of our courts for the Seniors.

    The city has a few priorities and sometimes it is not for the residents or certain residents. As an example, the city continues to bend over backwards in the Osborne community, due to guilt of the past racial problems of 50 years ago borne by many who live there and whose ancestors had to bear. At what point can you stop the pentinance and begin to concentrate on other neighborhoods?

  13. Your advocacy for the pool is admirable. Your points are valid, as are the points against keeping the pool.
    I certainly hope the pool is reopened with management that is capable of running and maintaining the pool properly.
    What is probably needed is a donation or gift from the private sector.
