Monday, February 4, 2013

Keep Lake Worth a low-rise city - Vote YES

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  1. Lake Worth's biggest socialist hater getting back into bed with Lake Worth's biggest socialists.
    Hypocricy, what hypocricy?

  2. I am my own person, anonymous. I vote on issues for which I believe and that goes for people too.

  3. does it really matter anyway---i havent seen change in 12 years---big or small really?something has to change---lets take all the crappy run down homes and make them tall-- then we would have all tall homes

  4. Low rise less costly to build. The higher, the larger the foundation, more steel and stronger concrete. And the more east of Federal highway the more breeze it blocks for the rest of the city.

  5. You left out the word 'crappy. Then we would have Crappy tall homes. :) It's not that the houses are so bad. The problem is that people don't have the necessary TLC and do what needs to be done to have a nice looking property. A can of paint is not that expensive.

  6. 2:41--who are lake worth's biggest socialists? What does their political persuasion have to do with keeping our city small? Are you stupid, or what? I know wealthy people who want this city to stay small. you make no sense.

  7. Gee... I followed all your rules for posting, spoke to the issue, not the author, didn't lie or harass anyone, gave my opinion in an insightful way and because it makes sense, you won't post it.

    The PAC sign is misleading as it states "keep" Lake Worth "low rise". You have admitted we are not low rise with some garbled excuse on how the buildings that take us out of that designation somehow don't count because they were built before such and such.

    If someone makes good solid arguments against your position, that allows your readers to think for themselves, you simply won't post it. That's your right... but pretty slimy. If you can't win by placing your ideas next to someone else's, then just call them an idiot or don't post their argument.


  8. Well gee, you either told a lie or you were a smart azz--which one was it?

  9. I prefer to think of it as irreverent.

    Saying the sign should say "Vote Yes" to keep Lake Worth "XXXX" was tongue in cheek, for sure, but it wasn't a lie.

    Trailer parks ARE low rise.

  10. is lake worth a low rise trailer park---funny---but close

  11. Not really funny at all look around....

  12. Will taller buildings end the blight? End the slum? Your point?

  13. How can get one of these signs?

  14. Taller buildings won't "end the blight", but neither will urban sprawl. Go look at Ft. Pierce. In their downt town, it looks like someone thought the same thing to keep Ft.Pierce "quaint". The unintended consequence is that Ft.Pierce is one big slum. Block after block of empty lots dotted by a one or two story building.

    Those who vote "NO" on the heights issue aren't voting to raise the heights.

    The maximum height for down town was lowered to 454' from 65'. We need to KEEP the heights at 65' East of Federal for the VERY SLIM CHANCE we can get a hotel or someone will buy the Gulfstream and need to build something similar on the adjacent property.

    Most people, including myself, think 45' is ok for downtown and would not mind 35'. But there are places we need height or we will stagnate. East of Federal is an example.

    You keep pointing to the Charter saying 100 ft West of Dixie. Well what will your amendment do for those properties West of Dixie NOT in the core area between 2nd No and 1st South? Can someone still build to 100' there?

    According to the Commissions Ordinance, you could NOT. Charter or no charter.
