Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's just all too familiar

Why is it that local newspapers always take the side of developers against the people?  The Palm Beach Post does does the Lake Worth Herald. Now the Palm Beach Daily News is doing the same thing. Is it simply arrogance or is it the advertising dollars?

Why can't people be happy. Why do they have to change land development regulations to encourage vertical growth?  If they like that so much, why don't they move to Ft. Lauderdale? Lake Worth, like Palm Beach, has always been a small town--it was when we moved here and everyone with whom I speak, likes it that way. They like the small town feel and our middle-class neighborhoods.

From the Shiny Sheet today: Why is it that when a citizen or citizen’s group does something, anything, to make sure Palm Beach stays a “livable residential community,” the Shiny Sheet criticizes and ridicules them?

When a group of over 500 citizens presented emails, letters, and petitions to the Town Council asking that the density and the height of the buildings on Royal Poinciana Way be left as is, the Shiny Sheet editorialized that more height and more density would be good and the citizens were wrong.

Palm Beach with all its wealth has to put up with the same thing that we do. Read about it.

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