Monday, February 25, 2013

Illegal Banner on the Gulfstream Hotel

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Just a code violation says city manager Michael Bornstein when speaking about the illegal banner on the Gulfstream Hotel. Loretta Sharpe, member of the Historic Resource Preservation Board said she didn't know that!!

“I am offended,” Bornstein wrote in an email reply Saturday to resident Robert Waples. “This is a college-level stunt to gain attention. Feel free to play inside the political arena with this issue, but please keep the city entity out of it.”

You can't make this stuff up!


  1. Ms. I know nothing Sharpe and Mr. Offended Bornstein. What a frigging joke.

  2. I am confused by two things. If Ms. Sharp is on the Historic Resource Preservation Board, how come she did not know a sign this size on a Historical building - to boot - is a code violation? And, how come some one on a city board can form and be a member of the Friends of Gulfstream Political Committee? Can anyone explain?

  3. Loretta Sharpe is a lot of things, but she sure aint stupid. OF COURSE she ,and Greg Rice,and Wes Blackman,knew that this was an illegal sign. Mr. Bornstein,may I remind you-you are not a pirate. You are our City Manager. An employee of the city of Lake Worth. We little peons pay your very considerable salary.Gee ,people dared to call you and complain about a banner. You,Mr. Bornstein, had the nerve to be irritated that some of the peasants didn't know that city staff could not act right away to take down this illegal banner on the Gulfstream.If not YOU, Mr. Bornstein,then WHO were people supposed to call? Tarzan? Or perhaps they just should have left you and the rest of Lake Worth's sorely overworked staff out of this problem altogether.(Lord knows you people are out there busting ass from sunup to sundown,cutting down eighty year old trees,illegally impounding citizen petitions,etc.) Maybe some concerned citizen,instead of BOTHERING YOU, Lord Bornstein, should just have taken it upon themselves to scale the bldg. with a knife clenched in their teeth and cut the damn banner down themselves!!!!

  4. Please enlighten us why she can't be.

    This is a Charter Initiative. It will NEVER come before the board. It is a vote of the residents. She happens to be a resident. She has just as much to her right to free speech and freedom of expression as you do.

    There is no rule that says you must resign your board membership to be a member of or contribute to a PAC.

    Commissioner Mulvehill was an active participant for the yes side from the dias. Should she have resigned too?

    Please cite laws broken. Ordinances trampled on. It is a political message, just as confusing as what you are putting out to scare people.

    You are right about what's good for the goose. It doth seem like you protest too much though.

    Why do you refuse to meet with residents who have valid questions about this issue?

  5. It's too bad that you want to be totally benign as to what Loretta and Greg Rice did here. They knowingly put up an ILLEGAL sign on an historic building that makes the stunt twice as egregious. No one gives a flying fig that they are residents. They are on city boards and they broke the law. Nuff said.

    If you have "valid" questions about the charter amendment, call someone in the PAC. They would be happy to explain the simplicity of this amendment--35 and 45 feet vs. 65 and 100 feet.

  6. I just read the Post article. How can the city manager say don't involve the city? It happened in the city. You are most definitely involved. Get it down.

  7. They're playing college stunts on a serious issue such as this? Reject the bully NO people who are laying down with dogs.

  8. what is the penalty for an ilegal sign?
    When does the penalty start?

  9. I would seriously doubt if CSC Lake Worth Limited is the owner now of this property. Just because they say so does not make it so. Check with the banks. And if they still own this property which is highly unlikely, than it shows to what extremes they will go to build high.

  10. Saw Willie Howards article this am. If he was wanting to bring attention to the issue he certainly did. Apicture is worth a thousand words, and Loretta and Greg just got a whole lot of free publicity for their sign!

  11. It is what it is--ILLEGAL--and two city board members committing an illegal act. a graphic is worth a thousand words and people are seeing through this lie.

  12. It was explained VERY CLEARLY to Loretta and Wes and their fellow board members that because the Historic Resources Preservation Board acts as a quasi-judicial board (they're judges, basically) they are PROHIBITED from taking public positions on any issue that might possibly come before the board. The lawyers were asked and said that YES, this heights issue is INCLUDED in that category. So, they shouldn't be commenting on blogs, or in letters to the editor, or contibuting in any way to the debate over this issue as they would not then be able to serve as impartial judges. Loretta's and Wes Blackman's participation and leaderhip on the pro-development side in this fight is grounds for their immediate dismissal, and precludes them from being able to serve as members of any zoning, building or historic preservation board for the forseeable future.

  13. As Wes Says "We are reaching new levels of HYSTERIA."
    The City Attorney told the planning board members they could not discuss the referendum among themselves or with the other planning board members on-line or in person. It was a sunshine violation!

  14. Nobody at City hall,with their hands out to the tax payers for their paychecks,
    has the right to break the Law or assist in doing so.The buck stops at City hall!
    What Town is Bornstein City manager of?Which Town is he liable for upholding City and State Laws,Ordinances? His salary of over $150,000 is to do what?No responsibility for the job, no salary is the Law of employment for specific jobs!

  15. I can hear this ring thru city hall -

    "Oh silly people - these are just fundamental differences - we have the mic and we hold the purse - you have no time or lawyer to fight us. We can do anything we want to do to you - just shut up go away and take it like a well behaved citizen" - NOT!

    These fundamental differences are still protected by law and anyone who thinks they are the boss of you or your property should be shown the door and forced out!

  16. Ms. Sharpe knows to take it down. It is still up there. She has to be the most arrogant and overbearing person in town.

  17. Did Bornstein put the sign up by himself?
    I hope they leave the sign up until the 13th. you crybabies are just mad because they thought of a better idea.

  18. No, anony @ 2:40--they thought of a PUNK ILLEGAL IDEA.
