Monday, February 25, 2013

If it's good for the goose - Part II

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Banner on someone's garage

The owner of this property has to admit he never would have thought of it until the illegal banner was placed on our beloved historic Gulfstream Hotel building. He says if Code gives him a problem, he will tell them it will be removed as soon as the illegal banner at the Gulfstream is removed and not a day earlier.


  1. As someone who supports the right of the Guilfstream owner/supporters to put up his/their banner, likewise, I support the right of this homeowner to put up his own banner.

    I wish more people would get involved to understand the issue and get people out to vote. Which ever way they think they should vote.

  2. But it's ILLEGAL, anonymous--DO YOU GET THAT???

  3. Do We ALL Obey All the Laws or not?

    The people who formed this PAC sit on the Planning and ZONING board and make recommendations to your rep's about laws like these! You will be punished if YOU don't obey so shouldn't the leaders of the PAC set an example and obey the law too?

  4. Where do you live? We will drive by.
