Sunday, February 3, 2013

Downtown Lake Worth

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Couple and pooch after lunch at Rotelli's.

Come to our downtown...we have it all...restaurants catering to family and friends even the four legged ones. After breakfast, lunch or dinner, visit our shops, our art galleries, or take Fido to one of our pet groomers or swing by the Lake Worth Playhouse and buy a ticket to their next out-of-this-world show. You won't regret it.


  1. Ah isnt that nice, dog and owners sitting on a people bench. Yes I said people bench. Its not a bench for dogs. I wonder what that dog left on the bench. Hair and dirt. Those people are setting an example for todays youth. No wonder many of our youth have no respect for anything. I like dogs but they dont belong on a people bench. Just my humble opinion.

  2. Excuse me,but that beautiful dog looks a hell of a lot cleaner than the bums that hang out and sit on our benches downtown!!!!

  3. 4:04pm poster. Well then dont sit on the benches. Go for a swim at the Casino and then you may sit on the benches.

  4. Those are punlic benches. Any person can sit on them. Even Bums or Millionaires. If you allow your dog to sit on your furniture, thats ok. You have to sit on it. I wont. I have a neighbor that allows their cat go anywhere. Kitchens counters included. I`ll never eat at their place again. I dont like cat litter or hair in my food. Just as I dont want dog butt and paw dirt on a place where I sit. I bet you even let your dog sit at the dinner table. Not me.
