Friday, February 22, 2013

Don't get Duped!

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Friends of the Gulfstream are trying hard to dupe you.  Don't get fooled by emotion and lies. They are out to pull every trick in the book and to make you believe that we will never have a hotel opening in our town if you vote to keep it a low rise city. The Gulfstream Hotel is grandfathered in and the Charter Amendment does not affect it and cannot change it. The height remains as is.

Repeat--The Height Charter Amendment will not affect the Gulfstream Hotel. Respectful Planning PAC believes that reopening the Gulfstream is an important part of revitalizing our local economy.  That will be up to the bank and whoever buys the property. The Gulfstream Hotel is protected under the Height Limit Charter Amendment; it can be restored or rebuilt to its current height. Any expansion to the Gulfstream can be built to four stories.

Did they get a sign permit? Did this pass code? Is the City in collusion? Did they have permission from the owner?


  1. These people are way to clever for their own good. Evil I would say. Lindsey has to be behind this one.

  2. OMG I thought this was fake - I'm driving down now to see it for myself! Does anyone know who paid for the banner?

    I am all about getting a message out there - but this is spooky to me! Dais do you hear us now? We need a public debate about this asap!
    Change the SOU to an open mic debate, no?

    Applying the city's hoops and ladders just how did this get approved? If not approved, what is the fine or fee pd? Will they just let it stay all weekend...?

    Wasn't someone arrested years ago for standing by their banner "got water?" (Lynn - I heard this from a reliable source and if you know I am wrong on this - correct me please) Agree or disagree w/the message I respected knowing WHO it's from...

    Is this a special district or can I also hang a banner on my house?

  3. No, Barbara Jean took this shot.

  4. this is the sort of crap we get from our leaders. They all need to resign. Loretta and Greg need to be replaced immediately and everyone else behind this crap--the P&Z and HRPB and 4 city commissioners. Bye bye.

  5. What a great friggin idea!

  6. LOL--it is clever. Illegal sign. No disclaimer. The Security guard probably was duped just like they are trying to dupe the public. Great strategy. I believe the public is seeing the light--the games continue--they always do in elections. I have said for years the other side needs to think like they do but no one listens. The guard said he had permission from the owner. When asked, he said Schlesinger. Does he still own the hotel? Don't think so.

    In 2010 Asset Holding Company 5 LLC filed a foreclosure lawsuit against CSC Lake Worth Limited Partnership on Aug. 11 in Palm Beach County Circuit Court. The lawsuit seeks repayment of a $12 million loan, plus the foreclosure of the hotel property. the last I heard, they had foreclosed.

  7. Well, this is just the straw that broke this camels back! This kind of organized lie is just beyond belief. I am ASHAMED of the people who did this!!! Those dishonest jerks have tarnished what would have been a great city event. I am ashamed that our city officials would allow something illegal like this!I will no longer volunteer for anything in this city unless it is something like Roberts Neighbors helping neighbors.

  8. Love your play on words. It is you trying to dupe people.

    "Grandfathered in" means what? You think people are stupid?

    The Gulfstream PROPERTY where they can build in the same architectural style is NOT Grandfathered in.

    So to SAVE the Gulfstream, you need to save the ability for it to expand and become viable.

    Do you really want to see a non-profit buy it and turn it into some kind of convalecent center?

    You were wondering where the opposition is. I think keeping our heights where they are is a worthy fight.

    I not for keeping Lake Worth "Low Rent"

  9. You know, I am not the liar here.
    The Gulfstream IS GRANDFATHERED IN! Read my lips on that.

    And since you resorted to name-calling, your best tactic--regarding the vacant property attached to the grandfathered Gulfstream hotel, the owner can build a 4 story building. GET IT, ST*&ID?

  10. I just saw your site. I can't believe the banner. I can't believe what's happening down there. It's so sinister.

    You might remind people when L'il Andy, Triolo and Maxwell are up for re-election. Next November? The lines outside the polling places are going to be LONG...

  11. Banner still up as of 9:30 am Sat

    I took a pic and text message to Pam, Andy, Scott and Christopher (I know Chris Knows and included him in the forward) I didn't have John's number.

    I also spoke to a man across the street who hung and shook his head as we spoke about the illegal banner. I don't know if he lives there or perhaps we just ruined his vacation...

  12. The part I don’t understand is NOBODY wants to get rid of the Gulfstream. N*O*B*O*D*Y!!! The sign is an in your face, supercilious, last ditch over the top way to confuse the public by insinuating a beloved historical building is in jeopardy!

  13. What's worse is that these are the same people who like to tear down historic buildings and have no respect for our history.

  14. Somebody's jealous they didn't think of the idea first but walked around spreading fear and lies instead.

  15. Ok, no more crap like the above will be posted. What these people did was put an illegal sign on a building. Respectful Planning works within the laws and our city codes. This group has always gone beyond the pale in every election since the year of the flood.

  16. I don't think those graphics that were on the seats at City Hall showing every building built lot line to lot line, and 65 feet tall was exactly honest or within the Laws, and City Codes.

    Do You?????

  17. Are you talking about the graphics that William Waters showed at the Bryant Park NA meeting or the ones he showed at the P&Z meeting this week? I would suppose the ones you are talking about are very similar in size and shape and design.

    The facts of the matter are, the city can grows to 65 feet east of Dixie and 100 feet west. We need to stop this by voting YES on amendment 2.

  18. We are still waiting for the city to do something about this illegal banner. How long do we have to wait Mr. Bornstein? I would suggest that the city be pro-active here, get some staff down there and remove the illegal sign immediately. How dare a city mgr be political and allow this.

  19. Andy Amaroso said"I'm too busy with the festval to do anything about that sign". Too busy?What would happen if a sign went up on the Gulstream saying " Andy Amaroso and Michael Bornstein are a couple of lying S.O.B.'s" Think Andy would be "too busy" to take that banner down?

  20. This is a Code Violation, and there is certain Protocol that has to be meet. I am sure the actions will be taken to correct this.

  21. Rice and Sharpe, Rinaldi, Lindsey and Blackman know all about code. They broke the law. Corruption continues in lake Worth. Sure hope these people lose their butts come election day. Their sign says they have had enough of special interests. God, what blatant liars and sickos. You can fool some of the people some of the time...

  22. You're sure, anonymous at 7:51. You are a trusting soul. Loretta and Greg should have their feet held to the fire. This is an illegal sign and they knew it. This city is run by a bunch of *&^%$.

  23. Lynn at 8:28 how can anything be done to Greg or Loretta, when I was there when the banner was put up, and I can tell you neither one of them were there. The banner was put up after 5 pm on a Friday so how can the City do anything either??????

  24. LOL seems to be your answer of the weekend. We will be seeing who is laughing on March 12th

  25. It's illegal for a banner to be placed on a federally designated landmark. Mrs. Sharpe should be arrested. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
