Thursday, February 14, 2013

Developer pleads guilty

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Another developer involved in election violations just pleaded guilty.

Read more... about the developer, Jay Odom, pleading guilty in federal court to one count of causing a presidential campaign committee to make a false statement to the Federal Election Commission. Odom could get 5 years in the federal pen.

Another one bites the dust.


  1. For Chip and the rest-we would certainly welcome a developer who did not demand varience after varience and who was willing to develop something in character with our city. Like the Hyatt in Delray!Katie

  2. We don't want to be like Delray.

  3. Ya, Katie, we don't want to be a vibrant growing community that draws people and encourages businesses to open in our bustling downtown. We like it like it is here. A sleepy like funky enclave with buildings you can see over.

    We don't want a parking garage downtown. That would just encourage, you know, cars, and people who can afford cars.

    We need to be a more bicycle friendly city with lots of parks and bicycle paths. And doggie bags.

    After Delray put up all those three story town homes and had all those people who needed to eat and restaurants to go to... we don't want that here.

    All you people who like night life and bars and restaurants and hotels and excitement, go to Delray. Leave us alone!
