Friday, February 8, 2013

Blast from the Past - The Electric Utility Task force

Back on April 18, 2006, the Electric Utility Review Task Force recommended the following:

Retain a qualified consultant with qualifications equal to Ms. Hersey's to evaluate 4 options:
  •  5-year withdrawal from the All requirements Project to a Contract Rate of Delivery agreement, followed by a 3-year complete withdrawal from the CRD contract and the outright sale of our generation and distribution assets.
  • 5-year withdrawal from the ARP to a CRD, followed by the sale or lease or our generation- assets while maintaining our distribution system, the city would purchase 100% of its power either from the new owner of our power plant or through other purchase power contracts.
  • 5-year withdrawal from the ARP to a CRD, the City maintains its generation and upgrades it, while continuing to buy some power through purchased power contracts--basically the City lives on its own, stays a member of FMPA, not a member of ARP, and the city would continue to operate the way it used to operate before it joined ARP.
  • Any other option Ms. Hersey wanted to submit
On April 4, April 18, May 2 and June 6, 2006, the City Commission accepted a total of 14 recommendations from the Electric Utility Review Task force.

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