Wednesday, February 6, 2013

$1.6 million is not enough for Greater Bay

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Peter Willard has written a letter to the commission demanding an apology--

Well, of course it wasn't enough for Greater Bay..they originally said that they wanted $40 million--and the joke went on for 3 years with mounting legal bills. Peter Willard, after getting a settlement of $1.6 million for NEVER PERFORMING AT OUR BEACH, now WANTS AN APOLOGY FROM COMMISSIONER MCVOY FOR CALLING HIM a "con-man." Geez. Was there anything in the settlement agreement that mentioned that commissioners can't have the freedom of speech, or for that matter, tell the truth?


  1. It would not surprise me at all to learn that some sick individual who was always rooting for GB to win this case alerted him to Mcvoy's comment. We do have an evil segment in this city who continue to play games just to win. It doesn't matter if they are on the wrong side. We are lucky to be rid of this CON MAN.

  2. a true investigation is needed---the people running our city are also running a scam just like what was happening when laura hanna was in charge--total corruption money was being taken and nobody did anything

  3. The best defense against an accusation of slander is that the statement made is true, and therefore fail to fall under the definition of slander.

  4. Why is the letter addressed to one Commissioner? Did this commissioner call up Willard and complain?

  5. I wish that everyone in Lake Worth that was sickened by the fact that Peter Willard ,the con man, got 2 million bucks would do something for all of us-photocopy a picture of a certain male piece of anatomy ,send Willard said piece of male anatomy,instruct him to cut out said male piece of anatomy, and further instruct Willard about what he can do to himself with said male piece of anatomy!!!!

  6. Mcvoy has NOTHING to appologize For.All of the OTHER COMMISSINERS,however ,need to make a public appology to every taxpayer in the city of Lake Worth for being a big bunch of guttless A$$ holes!!!!We need a new City Manager and a new law firm!!!!!

  7. ask the people of Rochester Ny and Litchfield Connecticut if Peter Willard is a con artist. I can personally attest that he is not only a con artist but a thief.
    I wrote a letter to the Town attorney long before this got to where it is today; warning him of Peter Willard.
    If you are interested in documentation, post a call back number on this site and I will get back to you.
