Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Woman shot dead by PBSO Deputies in Lake Worth

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A mother with a three year old was killed by Sheriff at 14th Avenue North and N 'J' Street in Lake Worth. The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office is investigating a shooting at a duplex on North J Street about 2:45 a.m. Tuesday, January 8, 2013. A deputy shot and killed a woman who was trying to stab her boyfriend after refusing commands to drop her knife.

We don't fool around in Lake Worth.

Read about woman shot dead by Deputies.


  1. “When we arrived, she had him by the shirt with a knife in hand. We told her to put the knife down repeatedly. When she turned to stab him, we shot her. In an effort to save his life, we shot,” Barbera said.

    That is such a bunch of crap.Tthe woman was probably protecting her little kid and herself.

  2. If only Susan Stanton wasn't fired. She would have gotten rid of PBSO and installed her own police department who obviously wouldn't have shot that poor innocent woman wielding a knife.
    If PBSO didn't shoot her and she killed the guy you law enforcement experts would be complaining about that instead.

  3. Hopefully, there will be an inquiry for whatever that will be worth. The main witness is dead--

  4. To the contrary, the main witness is alive. Thank you PBSO. He'll probably sue.

  5. Senseless! Two deputies (I'm assuming male) couldn't subdue a knife-wielding drunken female? Grow some balls...Shameful! Where's the nightstick or tazer? Is there no respect for human life? Now there's a 3 year old without a mother, a husband that has to live with this for a lifetime. The Sheriff through the news media, makes her to be some bad person because they made a domestic call there in the past, definitely makes it OK now...dig up as much dirt as the news can to justify it!? We better ban kitchen knives, next. The list of citizens taken out by PBSO is growing. A change in protocol needs to be very seriously considered.
