Monday, January 21, 2013

The National Budget

As we all get ready for the three day inauguration event starting this morning that will give homage to President Obama at an estimated cost of $170 million that includes big corporate donations, Congress has to act on the budget this week.
  • “The principle is simple: no budget, no pay,” said Speaker John Boehner. “Before there is any long-term debt limit increase, a budget should be passed that cuts spending.”
  • The last time Senate Democrats passed a budget was April 29, 2009 – nearly four years ago – “a shameful run that needs to end,” says Speaker Boehner.
  • The Wall Street Journal said, while “the House works its will, the Senate does crossword puzzles.”
  • “We should cut Washington's budget, not your family’s budget,” says Rep. Lankford. House Republicans have already passed two budgets that cut spending and address our debt. Rep. Lankford says the House will pass another one to “pay our bills and keep the government running” – one that “walks our nation out of debt, deficit and decline.”
  • President Obama has missed the legal deadline for submitting a budget more than any previous president, and suggested this year’s budget will be late too. “Ordinary folks … meet deadlines,” says the president. He just can’t seem to meet his
  • President Obama’s jobs council hasn’t officially met in more than a year. The House, on the other hand, passed 40 jobs bills that were blocked by Senate Democrats
  • Fitch Ratings made it clear that our national debt is undermining our economy and spending needs to be cut. Driven by out-of-control spending, more than $5 trillion has been added to the national debt since Senate Democrats last passed a budget. 
Go to the Speaker of the house's web site to see the video.

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