Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Small Town Charm - Commission Set March Ballot

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Last night the city commission also voted to set the official ballot for the March election that included the vote on heights in our downtown. It was on the Consent Agenda and was passed with no discussion from the Commission. By so doing, they once again shut the people up--did not want to hear from us about keeping the downtown area a low-rise city.

Can you even imagine if we were allowed to speak on it? The press coverage alone would be worth thousands of votes. This was a smart maneouver from our elected majority who are opposed to our small town charm and of course who also forget that they represent ALL OF US.


  1. Sorry Lynn, but I do not think they are against the low rise charm, IMO I think they want what is best for the City.

  2. We've already seen these electeds in action. They don't represent me. In fact the only one who ever represented me was Suzanne Mulvehill. Where is she?

  3. Lynn,
    The commission's use of the concent agenda is nothing new. As I recall that is how we got the Resourse Center. I also don't remember the taxpayers having a say when a previous Commission decided to void the Greater Bay Contract. It's always nice when the Commission decisions please us, however no one wins all the time. Personnally I'm pleased with how the City is being run, and think Pam is Doing a great job. Things are not perfect and I don't agree !00% of the time, but still feel we are finally moving in a positive direction. Wish I could experience that small town charm you always mention, but I'm just not seeing it. Happy New Year!

  4. Perhaps it's age but I remember speaking on both. Absolutely! Perhaps you missed those meetings.
    Sorry you don't like our small town charm. Get the vice mayor do do something about blight in TRNA--did he not promise that? Perhaps then you will feel it more charming. How is the city being run better. Please give me a few examples. I just don't see that at all. Who cut down our tree?

  5. Hey Anonymous, we are all entitled to our opinions, guess you feel safer judging people without them knowing who you are. It's ok, take your best shot. Unlike yourself I don't comment to make others look or feel bad. And lynn, for one example of things running more smoothly, I don't see near as many commission meetings, and I haven't heard anyone complain about them running into the wee hours of the morning. I call that progress.

  6. Well, it could very well be interpreted as lack of transparency. I would like to know what it being decided WITHOUT the knowledge of the public.

  7. 3:55 where's Mulvehill? She's where she should be, hiding from public view after costing the mostly working poor taxpayers $2.6 million.
    Hey Miss Williams 5:24 is obviously Lynn's friend Katie attacking you. You can't misss that intelligent banter she always provides.
    Her comment is so stupid. They claim lake Worth should be left alone because of it's small town charm but is also claiming your friends on the commission have overdeveloped the city? makes no sense. Then she tells you to move somewhere there's no growth? Must be the result of watching too much Fux News.

  8. Anonymous at more lies here. Thanks.
    Look to your present commission for settling with GB. They voted to pay it. Look to our attorneys at the time who said we had the legal right to kick them off our beach.
    Look to our counsel who said the case was a slam dunk.
    Look to the commission that contracted with Greater Bay never having checked their background and never having done any due diligence.
    I think it is all obvious who is at fault.
    Haven't seen you at city hall lately other than last night. Were you away?

  9. As I have repeatedly said that I swill not accept BS and lies on this blog, I have edited a lot of BS from the following comment--

    They were told point blank by someone who had knowledge that if they let him have enough rope, he would have hung himself anyway, but they had to be big bullies and kick him off the site. Now, it's everybody else' fault? All the transparency in the world can't MAKE you see.

    To answer that--It was Maura Hennesey who said that at the public meeting. That was only her opinion based on? Willard had the ability to hold up our beach forever. He was NOT going to back off and that is my opinion as so proved in his ridiculous law suit that we were scared to defend. The only bully was Greater Bay and people like you who put a doubt to our action and convinced our attorney and commission to cave in to it. PITY..

  10. small town charm----is the towns charm all the mentally ill---yesterday in what we call the cultural plaza a man whos face was cover in dirt or clay with a 7 foot piece of wood was swinging away at nothing----that is the charm we have ---anyone who doesnt understand really what is happening in our city i guess the never grew up knowing the meaning of class and let me tell you we have many with no class at all---that is why the reputation of lake worth has never recovered--we dont have the right people with the right education or none at all running our city---andy
