Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Rand Paul tells Hillary that Benghazi was Failed Leadership

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  1. Where was Obama while our people were being murdered? What actions did he take? Why did he and his administration (hello Hilary)lie time after time to the American people?Was Obama drunk/high and unavailable to fulfil his job as Commander in Chief?

  2. That little tweet has a lot of nerve
    telling anyone anything. He wouldn't even had a seat without germandering.

  3. In 2010, Paul ran as the Republican candidate for the United States Senate seat being vacated by retiring Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky, beating Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson in the primary. Despite the fact that he had never previously held political office, Paul defeated Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway. As a supporter of the Tea Party movement, Paul has been vocal in advocating for term limits, a balanced budget amendment, and the Read the Bills Act, in addition to the widespread reduction of federal spending and taxation. He has gained prominence for his independent positions on many political issues, often clashing with both Republicans and Democrats

  4. The entire thing is GOTP grandstanding... Rand Paul's assertion is laughable as is the notion he has any foreign policy cred, but plays well to his supporters. But it's typical of the far right's hypocrisy... does ANYONE recall Republicans convening a hearing on any of THESE embassy attacks?

    June 14, 2002, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan. Suicide bomber kills 12 and injures 51.

    February 20, 2003, international diplomatic compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Truck bomb kills 17.

    February 28, 2003, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Gunmen on motorcycles killed two consulate guards.

    July 30, 2004, U.S. embassy in Taskkent, Uzbekistan
Suicide bomber kills two.

    December 6, 2004, U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Militants stormed and occupied perimeter wall. 5 killed, 10 wounded.

    March 2, 2006, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Suicide car bomber killed four, including a U.S. diplomat directly targeted by the assailants.

    September 12, 2006, U.S. embassy in Damascus, Syria
Gunmen attacked embassy with grenades, automatic weapons, and a car bomb (though second truck bomb failed to detonate). One killed and 13 wounded.

    January 12, 2007, U.S. embassy in Athens, Greece
A rocket-propelled grenade was fired at the embassy building. No one was injured.

    July 9, 2008, U.S. consulate in Istanbul, Turkey
Armed men attacked consulate with pistols and shotguns. Three policemen killed.

    March 18, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
Mortar attack misses embassy, hits nearby girls' school instead.

    September 17, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
Militants dressed as policemen attacked the embassy with RPGs, rifles, grenades and car bombs. Six Yemeni soldiers and seven civilians were killed. Sixteen more were injured.

    There were also 7 attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities during the Reagan era. And let's not forget the 1983 bombing of a US Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing 241 of our soldiers, plus 58 French troops. The aftermath? Reagan withdrew.

    The embassy breach in Libya was only the second attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities during President Obama's first term. Even after OBL's death, American diplomatic facilities did not come under fire.

  5. Not only did the GOP not call for hearings in any of theose embassy attacks, they have been clain=ming Behghazzi was the forst attack on an uS embassy in 30 years.

  6. Knowing that there have been attacks on our embassies for decades, this is even more reason that we should have had protected this embassy especially when Stevens asked for more security. Instead, Clinton ignored the request on the 10th anniversary of 911. She should have been fired. Just love how this administration is covering up. On top of that, even if past presidents did not inquire into embassy attacks and I'm not sure that is true, what does that have to do with the fact that our patriots were killed and those in charge failed them. Why do we continue to have excuses, lame at best, for this monstrous failure and cover-up?

  7. Anon @ 6:02... a MORE serious failure was Sec. Rice's ignoring actionable intelligence when providing President Bush a PDB memo entitled "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US". Would you have fired her? History is full of such blunders... that one in particular remains both inexplicable and unexcusable.

    These bureaucracies are NEVER as efficient as they should be. The requests for better security languished in the house oversight committee and STILL haven't been properly funded.

    Guess which political party controls that commitee, and the purse?

  8. Guess who is wrong. No request languished in THIS committee and it finally got Hillary to the table for whatever that was worth. If you have a security request it goes to the State Dept. The Daily Beast reported that there were two attacks on the US Consulate in Benghazi in the 5 months leading up to the attack on 9/11. Guess who is the leader of this Dept.

  9. It's true the GOP congress cut funding for embassy security across the world. How can you deny that it's a fact?

  10. You are not saying that is the reason why Hillary did not read the emergency cables and requests for security in Benghazi do you? There is emergency funding if they just flat don't have the money which NO ONE WOULD EVER BELIEVE. Also, overall, the Department of State’s base requests for security funding have increased by 38 percent since Fiscal Year (FY) 2007, and base budget appropriations have increased by 27 percent in the same time period.
