Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Quote of the Day -Allen West

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It’s inauguration day for the second term of President Barack Hussein Obama. The ironic thing is that when the celebration is over, and the hangovers subside, President Obama and his acolytes will have to look in the mirror and realize they have inherited their own self-created economic mess. These facts show what they have wrought since 2009:

There are 2.1 million more Americans NOT in the workforce.
A gallon of gas is up 79%
The Federal debt is up 55%
Food stamp recipients are up 46%
Americans in poverty are up 23%
Insurance premiums are up 17%

Share these facts with someone you know who voted for him!

America must no longer accept the rhetoric of blame and whining. Time to man up and offer solutions. “Taxing the rich,” gun control, and amnesty are campaign rally points, not governing principles. I for one shall be the eagle’s eye watching, commenting, and guarding the future for our next generation, ensuring they inherit a greater America, not a diminished liberal progressive nanny-state.

~ Allen West


  1. Pretty funny coming from a guy who's income and health benefits come from the government.

  2. Pretty funny coming from a patriot who spent 22 years protecting your azz.

  3. Allen West is the greatest patriot ever produced in this country. He is the only one who knows how to fix all the problems our country faces.

    It was the infiltration of the Communists who stole the election from him.
