Monday, January 14, 2013

Quote from the past - Nikita Khrushchev

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"We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism."

~ Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959


  1. Please submit examples of America's "creeping communism".

    Real stuff... not tin-foil hat blatherings from Faux Noise or WND.


  2. would some screwball obama lover even understand it? 47% of the voters understood it.Stop listening to MSNBC. Obama hates Fox News so I guess they are doing something right.Oh, he probably will be tuning into al jazeera.Should we get worried when Michelle starts wearing a burka

  3. ...or real accounts from someone who lived under Hitler...

  4. I see the responders (such as our hostess) either avoided the question, or put on some Alcoa.

    Uh... Hitler and Mussolini practiced despotic fascism, not communism. Did any of you pay attention in comparative government classes? Civics used to be a required course.

    Even if Nikita were here, he would be disappointed that his prediction did not come to pass.
    So really, just provide an example. Name one government policy instituted by this administration that smacks of communism... you can't because there are none. Obama is about as leftist as Nixon. Of course, ol' Dick wouldn't be welcome in today's GOTP.

    Aside from Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid (moderate and valuable social programs beloved by the public) nearly every other "social contract" program since has been either eliminated or compromised by privatization. Most hospitals were once essentially not for profit. So were schools... in the past 30 years, that was tipped on it's head by selling a less-than-astute
    public the idea that free market principals could do a better job. How's your healthcare premiums? Think that charter school is in it to better educate our kids?

    So... name just one example. Google away.

  5. So here is part of Obama’s check list to destroy our country, our freedom and our future:

    Grow national debt by more than one trillion dollars a year.
    Turn a blind eye to the federal reserve borrowing 43 cents of every dollar spent by the federal government from China and other foreign countries, resulting in more and more tax dollars or percentage of gross domestic product leaving the United States of America to pay for the growing interest on the loans.
    Prevent the United States of America from becoming energy independent and stop the one way movement of United States money to fickle countries with oil when he: visited Brazil in April 2011 and encouraged them to drill off shore, assuring them that the USA “will be their best customer” while ordering federal agencies to effectively stop off shore drilling with red tape; delayed decision on construction of the Keystone XL Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline project until after the November 2012 election in spite of the warning that Canada would turn to Asia to sell oil rather than wait on the pipeline.
    Enact cap-and-trade which will create higher energy bills for Americans and cripple coal mining in the United States of America.
