Saturday, January 5, 2013

Purple Sticky Salvia

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This depicts some of our future generation. Heaven help us all. My blogs on the Kavasutra bar in Lake Worth have drawn the purple sticky salvia group here--another group contributing very little.


  1. Purple Sticky Saliva is what you get after eating a frozen grape popsicle.

    PLEASE look stuff up before you post. It's SALVIA.

    Salvia divinorum is an herb related to sage and mint, long used by Sierra Mazateca shamans of Oaxaca, Mexico, twisted to modern recreational use by unscrupulous vendors for the young and impressionable... in most states it's legally sold as "incense".

    Traditionally it is chewed, or crushed and mixed with water and ingested orally. As with cannabis, it should be legal and regulated, but it's easier to stigmatize and prohibit. Which as history proves, always creates a larger problem.

    A larger issue is WHY the FDA allows any of these "herbal" products on the market without review. Wanna be upset about something? Look up the ingredients in energy drinks and those little red bottles available at any convenience store.

  2. Thanks, misspelled it. I'm not drug crazed and don't understand the terms. and thanks for your great advice about looking things up before I post them. I's normal routine. Now and then my own spelling slips by editor here...thanks again for being one. Have a lot of 2nd string quarterbacks.

  3. since the feds busted dylan harrison and his partners in crimes in the synthectic marijuna sting---where are the charges against them pertaining to the steroid lab they found in their house as reported by the palm beach post article--something is going on that is just not right within the palm beach police dept---i said it to them--start with your own officers that are on steroids and ask them where they purchase them --and put them in prison where they belong--corruption continues and it starts with bradshaw

    1. Anonymous Jan. 6, 8:24am you sound like you have been smoking some of that purple sticky stuff.

  4. The bad guys just keep on coming.

  5. "My blogs on the Kavasutra bar in Lake Worth have drawn the purple sticky salvia group here".
    So you are accepting the responsibilty of bringing them here.
    We're till waiting for your blog accepting responsibilty for costing the taxpayers $2.6 million due to your blogs about Greater bay and the best commission ever.

  6. Has anyone ever told you that you are mentally challenged or has that always been a known fact? Must be all that sticky stuff getting to you. It's nice to know that my blogs have such a vast influence, even if it is on you.

  7. if smoking that stuff keeps these gentlemen and women incapacitated in their living rooms and away from the general be it. that would mean there would be less of them on the streets with assault rifles and semi auto handguns
