Thursday, January 17, 2013

Obama's Executive Actions

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To drive Democrats stark raving mad

Twenty-three executive actions, that sure is a lot. Caitlin Dickson digs into Obama’s gun-control proposal to see what he can do right away—and what he’ll have to beg Congress for. --


Although there is no constitutional provision or statute that explicitly permits executive orders, there is a vague grant of "executive power" given in Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution, and furthered by the declaration "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" made in Article II, Section 3, Clause 5. (Wikipedia)

Franklin D. Roosevelt made the most executive orders numbering 3,522. The least were made by William Henry Harrison who never made one; John Adams, James Madison and James Monroe at one each.

Many people feel that executive orders exceed the president's authority. Throughout history, there have been challenges to the legal validity or justification for executives orders but only two have been overturned. Obama had 9 Legislative ideas, seven of which were gun related.


  1. An unjust law is no law at all.

    Rand Paul knows the 'rightful Remedy" - Nullification! States Rights!

    "Paul said he’ll introduce the bill early next week. “In this bill, we will nullify anything the president does that smacks of legislation. And there are several of the executive orders that appear as if he’s writing new law. That cannot happen.”

    “I’m afraid that President Obama may have this king complex sort of developing, and we’re going to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Paul said.

    Read more:

  2. To suggest that baning assault rifles, preventing the sale of multi round amunition clips and requring background checks puts the president in the same light has Hitler is sick. Millions of Americans are sick and tired of the same old bull from the gun lobby. How many kids need to die before the people of this country have more power than the gun lobby. I can't believe you fell for this gun lobby bull.

  3. Where did you ever read that from what I wrote? You know what's sick? All the over-reaction from both sides.

  4. Rand Paul needs to worry more about his son than what the president does.

  5. It's not what you wrote, it's the graphic you posted with the article.

    Don't you think that using it was just a bit "over-reacting"?

  6. Well gee, i said I used it JUST FOR YOU so that you could over-react. :) You are too easy.

  7. Rand Paul is the son of Ron Paul - 2 first names...

    Worried about kids - go to court house and sit through days of sexual abuse trials. 20 kids up north or the hundreds that are in your own county....if it's about the 'kids'.

  8. Well, it's my blog, na, na, na, boo boo.
    What could possibly put this Goddess of truth in a bad light?

  9. "States pulling rug from
    under Obama gun plans"

    "Montana also has raised the issue that gun-making certainly was going on at the time Montana became a state under a compact in 1889, and the federal government was not given permission then to restrict that activity. They state says the federal government cannot arbitrarily change the agreement."

  10. With all the hoopla, has anyone looked at these tyrannical executive orders? (BTW, Obama has issued 144 prior to this, which barely places him in the top half among all POTUSes. FDR leads with 3,522). For truly tyranical executive overreaches, just review those issued by Bush #43.

    This is what has the NRA and low-information types in a tizzy:

    1. Require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background-check system.

    2. Addresses issues related to HIPPA (insurance portability act) that might prevent states from making info available for background checks.

    3. Incentivizes states to share information with background-check system.

    4. Directs the AG to review categories of individuals prohibited from having guns to ensure dangerous people aren't slipping through the cracks.

    5. Proposes rules to allow law enforcement the ability to run full background checks before returning a seized gun.

    6. Publish a letter from ATF to give licensed gun dealers guidance on how to run background checks.

    7. Launches a safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.

    8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes.

    9. Require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.

    10. Releases Justice report analyzing info on lost and stolen guns to law enforcement at state/local level.

    11. Nominates a new ATF Director.

    12. Provide training on dealing with active shooter situations to law enforcement, first responders and school officials.

    13. Maximize efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crimes.

    14. Direct the CDC to research causes and prevention of gun violence.

    15. Directs the AG to issue report on availability and most effective new gun-safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies.

    16. Clarifies the ACA to allow doctors to ask patients about guns in the home.

    17. Send letter to healthcare providers clarifying no law prohibits them from reporting to law enforcement.

    18. Incentivizes schools to hire school resource officers.

    19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, churches, and colleges.

    20. Send letter to state health officials clarifying scope of mental health services Medicaid plans must offer.

    21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements in ACA medical exchanges.

    22. Finalize mental-health parity regulations.

    23. Launch national dialog through HHS on mental heal.

    THIS IS WHAT MAKES THE LOONS BELIEVE TYRANNY IS AT WORK? Making studies? Sharing information? Giving schools incentives to hire people (i.e. guards) to deal with these types of situations? The people spitting nails over this stuff really need to get a grip.

  11. Now, now, no nasty name calling here. Nice to see you read his executive actions. Now let's see what Congress says. No matter how good you believe all of his directives may be or that he is the top demigod of all time, the country still has checks and balances; it is not a dictatorship.

    You site FDR--he had 4 terms and it was during the biggest global war...sort of a different time and place.

    Let's face it. Obama is not liked by 47% of the country and many people do not vote for someone because of his pearly whites or rock star status or because they have been lead to believe that our ancestors discriminated against African Americans and we owe them one...two...or three.
